Mixed might mean biracial/triracial/mixed race, a mixed group of characters, humanoids of color, or even a mixture of genders or sexualities! In some cases, such as the Huns, there is some debate about the origins of the group. Since they were (as far as I know) Eurasian and mixed with the peoples they conquered, I put them in mixed. Other examples include Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea Cycle -- the lead character Ged is described as copper-colored. In Andre Norton's Solar Queen series, the group of Free Traders is a mixed group comprised of several races and ethnicities, adding non-human crew members in the later books.
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Isabel Allende
City of the Beasts (Grades 9+ / Ages 15+) "When Alexander Cold's mother falls ill, the fifteen-year-old is sent to stay with his eccentric grandmother in New York. A tough and prickly magazine reporter, Kate Cold takes Alex along with her on an expedition to the Amazon to verify the existence of the fierce, gigantic, legendary creature known as the Beast. Joining them on their adventure are a celebrated anthropologist; a local guide and his daughter, Nadia; a doctor; and a local entrepreneur. But not everyone's intentions are pure—and dangerous discoveries await Alex and Nadia as they embark, with the aid of a jungle shaman, on an epic journey into the realm of the mythical Beasts of the Amazon." This series features a mixed cast of characters, set in a variety of locales. The books are also availablein Spanish and have AR tests available in both English and Span. La Ciudad de las Bestias (Spanish Edition) "Alexander Cold, un joven de quince años está a punto de embarcarse con su temeraria abuela, en el viaje de su vida. Una expedición de la International Geographic se dirige hacia la remotas y peligrosas tierras salvajes de Suramérica para documentar al legendario Yeti del Amazonas, más conocido como 'La Bestia.' Alex y su amiga Nadia descubrirán que el impenetrable mundo de la selva tropical esconde mucho más de lo que jamás hubieran imaginado. Con la fuerza de sus dos animales totémicos -- el jaguar para Alexander, y el águila para Nadia -- ambos jóvenes se embarcan en una apasionante e inolvidable aventura que los lleva al descubrimiento de . . . " Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (Grades 9+ / Ages 15+) "Alexander Cold and his best friend, Nadia, the heroes of Allende's City Of the Beasts, are reunited in a new adventure. This time, Alexander's fearless grandmother and International Geographic are taking them to another remote niche of the world -- a forbidden kingdom tucked into the frosty peaks of the Himalayas. Their task: to locate its fabled Golden Dragon, a sacred statue and priceless oracle, before it is destroyed by the greed of an outsider. With the aid of a sage Buddhist monk, his young royal disciple, and a fierce tribe of Yeti warriors, and armed with the power of their totemic animal spirits, Alexander and Nadia fight to protect the holy rule of the Golden Dragon." El Reino del Dragon de Oro (Spanish Edition) "Unas meses después que el joven Alexander Cold se internara con suabuela en el corazón del Amazonas en busca de una legendaria Bestia, vivirá otra aventura. En esta ocasión, la reportera Kate Cold acompaña a su nieto y a Nadia, la mejor amiga de Alexander, junto con los fotógrafos de la International Geographic, en un viaje a otro remoto rincón del mundo. La misión del equipo es adentrarse en un reino prohibido, oculto en los picos helados del Himalaya, y localizar el legendario dragón de oro, una estatua sagrada y oráculo invaluable capaz de presagiar el futuro del reino. "En su carrera para llegar a la estatua antes de que sea destruida por la avaricia de un intruso, Alexander y Nadia deben usar el poder espiritual de sus animales totémicos: el Jaguar y el Águila. Con la ayuda de un sabio monje budista, su joven discípulo, el príncipe heredero, y una feroz tribu de guerreros Yeti, Alexander y Nadia lucharán para proteger el reino del dragón de oro." Forest of the Pygmies (Grades 9+ / Ages 15+) "Once again Alexander Cold and his indomitable journalist grandmother, Kate, are braving the mystical unknown, this time in the heart of Africa. Along with Alex's friend Nadia Santos and a photographic crew from International Geographic magazine, they have travelled to Kenya to work on an article about the continent's first elephant-led safaris. But when a missionary approaches their camp in search of companions who have mysteriously disappeared, Alex, Nadia, and their group find themselves embarking on a dangerous mission to Africa's equatorial forest to aid a clan of Pygmies. For the Cold expedition is the tribe's last hope for survival in a world where poaching, corruption, and slavery run rampant. "Forest of the Pygmies is the concluding volume of acclaimed author Isabel Allende's celebrated trilogy, which begins with City of the Beasts and continues with Kingdom of the Golden Dragon." El Bosque de los Pigmeos (Spanish Edition) "El último tomo de la aclamada trilogía de Isabel Allende narra las aventuras de Jaguar y Águila en una tierra exótica, poblada de espíritus y seres misteriosos y cuenta la evolución de una extraordinaria amistad. "Alexander Cold sabe muy bien que su abuela Kate siempre anda en busca de una nueva aventura. Cuando la International Geographic le pide que escriba un artículo sobre los primeros safaris africanos en elefantes, Kate, Alexander y Nadia -- junto con el equipo de fotógrafos de la revista -- deciden adentrarse en las ardientes planicies de Kenya. Sin embargo, no tardan en conocer a un misionario católico que se acerca a ellos para preguntarles si han visto a sus compañeros que, misteriosamente, han desaparecido. Kate, Alexander, Nadia y todo el equipo de la International Geographic deciden ayudarle. Contratan una mujer piloto de la localidad que los lleva a las pantanosas junglas de Ngoubé. Ahí descubren una tribu de pigmeos y entran en un mundo que se revela feroz y sorprendente, un mundo de corrupción, esclavitud y crueldad pero también de nobleza y magia. "Con la ayuda de los poderes mágicos de sus animales totémicos, Jaguar y Águila, Alexander y Nadia se lanzan en una espectacular lucha por restaurar la libertad de los pigmeos." |
En Español
(Spanish edition) En Español
(Spanish edition) En Español
(Spanish edition) |
Paolo Bacigalupi
Ship Breaker (Grades 9+ / Ages 15+) "A gritty, high-stakes adventure set in a futuristic world where oil is scarce, but loyalty is scarcer. "In America's Gulf Coast region, grounded oil tankers are being broken down for parts by crews of young people. Nailer, a teenage boy, works the light crew, scavenging for copper wiring just to make quota-and hopefully live to see another day. But when, by luck or by chance, he discovers an exquisite clipper ship beached during a recent hurricane, Nailer faces the most important decision of his life: Strip the ship for all it's worth or rescue its lone survivor, a beautiful and wealthy girl who could lead him to a better life.... "In this powerful novel, Paolo Bacigalupi delivers a thrilling, fast-paced adventure set in a vivid and raw, uncertain future." Parents, although this book is a National Book Award Finalist, I would read Bacigalupi's books prior to giving to a middle-schooler, as he is supported by the "Sad Puppies" group of not-nice guys in Sci-Fi. Also, some of his adult books are REALLY adult as well as being extremely misogynistic and rapey, such as Windup Girl. So while your older teen may thoroughly enjoy this trilogy, proceed with caution on his other books. The Drowned Cities (Grades 9+ / Ages 15+) "This thrilling companion to Paolo Bacigalupi's Michael L. Printz Award winner Ship Breaker is a haunting and powerful story of loyalty, survival, and heart-pounding adventure. "In a dark future America where violence, terror, and grief touch everyone, young refugees Mahlia and Mouse have managed to leave behind the war-torn lands of the Drowned Cities by escaping into the jungle outskirts. But when they discover a wounded half-man--a bioengineered war beast named Tool--who is being hunted by a vengeful band of soldiers, their fragile existence quickly collapses. One is taken prisoner by merciless soldier boys, and the other is faced with an impossible decision: Risk everything to save a friend, or flee to a place where freedom might finally be possible" Mature themes including strong language, drug use, war and violence. Tool of War (Ship Breaker) (Grades 9+ / Ages 15+) "Set in a dark future devastated by climate change, Tool of War is the third book in a major adventure series by a bestselling and award-winning science fiction author and starring the most provocative character from the acclaimed novels Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities. "In this gripping, eerily prescient sci-fi thriller that Kirkus described as "masterful," Tool--a half-man/half-beast designed for combat--proves himself capable of so much more than his creators had ever dreamed. He has gone rogue from his pack of bioengineered "augments" and emerged a victorious leader of a pack of human soldier boys. But he is hunted relentlessly by someone determined to destroy him, who knows an alarming secret: Tool has found the way to resist his genetically ingrained impulses of submission and loyalty toward his masters... The time is coming when Tool will embark on an all-out war against those who have enslaved him. "From one of science fiction's undisputed masters comes a riveting and all-too-timely page-turner that explores the intricate relationships connecting hunter and prey, master and enslaved, human and monster." Mature themes including strong language, drug use, war and violence. |
Steven Barnes and Tananarive Due
Devil's Wake (Ages 15+) "What happens when an unprecedented infection sweeps the world, leaving the earth on the brink of the Apocalypse? But this infection goes far beyond disease. Beyond even the nightmare images of walking dead or flesh-eating ghouls. The infected are turning into creatures unlike anything ever dreamed of . . . more complex, more mysterious, and more deadly. Trapped in the northwestern United States as winter begins to fall, Terry and Kendra have only one choice: they and their friends must cross a thousand miles of no-man’s-land in a rickety school bus, battling ravenous hordes, human raiders, and their own fears. In the midst of apocalypse, they find something no one could have anticipated . . . love." Domino Falls (Ages 15+) "It began on Freak Day—that day no one could explain, when strangers and family members alike went crazy and started biting one another. Some thought the outbreak was caused by a flu shot, others that it was a diet drug gone terribly wrong. All anyone knew is that once you were bitten and went to sleep, you woke up a freak." |
Daniel Barth
Maurice on the Moon (The Maurice Series) (Grades 3+ / Ages 9+) "Maurice on the Moon is a science fiction adventure book for kids about a teen growing up on the Moon, his adopted homeland. Maurice hates the Moon and dreams of leaving it for Earth, the big jewel in the lunar sky that taunts him and where life would be so much better. He can't understand why his parents left Earth, making him work at a mining company whenever he isn't in school and where he's stuck living in a crater! His parents have dreams of gaining citizenship on their adopted planet while Maurice brainstorms ways to get away from deadly radiation and frozen lava to a home where he doesn't have to wear a pressure suit and helmet just to go outside and play. Maurice's mischievous ways even have him considering a stolen ride on a space liner! But leaving home isn't as easy as it seems and paradise doesn't always keep its promises! "In this realistic science fiction book, follow Maurice and his best friend Cassie, as they jump over people, avoid landslides, search for helium and more - all things kids do on the Moon, in this fantasy space series." **Maurice on the Moon is a Common Core reading and science resource. **This updated paperback version includes an extensive glossary for educational purposes. Teaching Science Through Literature: Maurice on the Moon is currently an adopted science text for students from 5th to 8th grade in several districts across Southern California. The book meets California State Science standards for Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, and Biological Science / Ecology. A complete curriculum guide containing chapter by chapter science standards, questions, activities, and investigations that integrate science with literature, mathematics, writing, art, and other multi-disciplinary subjects is available at www.MauriceOnTheMoon.com Teachers who are interested in using Maurice as a classroom text are encouraged to contact the author for suggestions and assistance in implementing this exciting book into their own classrooms. The curriculum is easily scalable for students at every level from the most basic to the most advanced. The discovery oriented activities closely follow the adventures of Maurice and his friends in the book. Let Maurice on the Moon help you put the sense of adventure back into your classroom! Maurice and the Doomed Colony of Mars (Grades 3+ / Ages 9+) "Maurice and the Doomed Colony of Mars continues the adventures of Maurice Haberman, a young boy growing up in a frontier mining colony which began in Maurice on the Moon. In Doomed Colony of Mars, Maurice and his ecologist mother are shanghaied into going to Mars to try and save the Eureka Colony, which is on the verge of ecological collapse. On the way to Mars, Maurice meets Shannon Kappel, the daughter of an Irish flight engineer who has also been recruited in the rescue effort. Sparks fly as the cultured girl from Ireland meets our frontier boy from the Moon! "On Mars, Maurice becomes convinced that the problems plaguing the colony are not just accidents; he begins to see spies and saboteurs around every corner. Could someone living in this remote colony hundreds of millions of miles from Earth really be trying to destroy the environment upon which all their lives depend? Mars is a challenging environment for Shannon, who has never been to space before; and for Maurice, who has never spent much time on a planet with real weather. Can they survive Martian storms and dust devils as they explore craters, ancient lake beds, and the fabulous Mariner's Valley on Mars? Maurice continues to look for evidence of sabotage, but there doesn't seem to be any motive for one of the colonists to destroy their own home, and no one is quick to believe a notorious prospector and buggy pirate from the Moon! The tension mounts as Maurice and Shannon continue to explore; Maurice could be right about the saboteur - dead right!" Crisis on the Far Side (The Maurice Series) (Grades 3+ / Ages 9+) "Crisis on the Far Side is the third book in The Maurice Series of books, a series of science fiction adventure books for kids. Maurice is back from Mars and off for a well deserved vacation with his friend Cassie at summer camp - on the lunar far side! The culture of the far side is vastly different from the Lunar Union, and Maurice has trouble fitting in. The troubles only increase when Shannon Kappel shows up at camp too! "In this realistic science fiction book, Cassie is convinced that Shannon is there because Maurice's parents are trying to set him up with a good match - and arranged marriages aren't uncommon on the lunar frontier! Danger threatens and the trio is drawn into a web of intrigue and adventure as an interplanetary mining company tries to take over the fiercely independent lunar colony of Zalinski - and their local industry, making the fastest computers in the solar system. But the NovaLunik computer company has a secret much more sinister than a super fast computer chip - and they won't hesitate to kill to protect it!" |
John Claude Bemis
Clockwork Dark trilogy - The Nine Pound Hammer, The Wolf Tree, and The White City (Grades 6+) This trilogy is based on American tall tales, including John Henry and Johnny Appleseed as well as African-American and Native American stories and mythology. The Nine Pound Hammer (Grades 6+ / Ages 12+) The protagonist, Ray, is traveling on a train taking a group of orphans, including he and his sister, to good homes for adoption. He decides that his sister would be able to find a home if he wasn't there, so he leaps off the train in the dark. The story moves through the South as he discovers the legacy that his father left him, as well as a mixed group of young people, including the famous John Henry's son. Together, they battle against evil and the machine that killed his father. This teen fantasy trilogy is intermingled with the traditional American tall tales. (RDJ) "Twelve-year-old Ray is haunted by the strangest memories of his father, whom Ray swears could speak to animals. Now an orphan, Ray jumps from a train going through the American South and falls in with a medicine show train and its stable of sideshow performers. The performers turn out to be heroes, defenders of the wild, including the son of John Henry. They are hiding the last of the mythical Swamp Sirens from an ancient evil known as the Gog. Why the Gog wants the Siren, they can’t be sure, but they know it has something to do with rebuilding a monstrous machine that John Henry gave his life destroying years before, a machine that will allow the Gog to control the will of men and spread darkness throughout the world." The Wolf Tree (Grades 6+ / Ages 12+) "Look no further for the perfect book for boys and girls who love fantasy, adventure, and white-knuckle action! "'Can you imagine eternal Darkness, sir?' "So asks the sickly stranger who staggers into Peg Leg Nel's birthday party. Before the man dies, he tells Ray and his friends of a Darkness spreading like wildfire across Kansas, turning good people bad and poisoning anyone who tries to escape. It's clear that though the evil Gog is dead, his devilish machine has survived and is growing stronger. "Now a full-fledged Rambler, Ray leads his friends on a mission into the heart of darkness. Vital to their success is tracking down the legendary Wolf Tree, rumored to be a pathway to the spirit world. Only with one of the tree's limbs can the Nine Pound Hammer be repaired and the Gog's terrible machine finally destroyed. The search for the Wolf Tree grows desperate as the Darkness spreads, threatening Ray, his friends, and all of humanity. "The Wolf Tree is the second fantasy adventure book in John Claude Bemis's series The Clockwork Dark, and adds new layers of myth and magic to Bemis's original take on American tall tales in The Nine Pound Hammer." The White City (Grades 6+ / Ages 12+) "In The Nine Pound Hammer, John Bemis introduced middle-grade readers to a whole new approach to epic fantasy, founded on characters and themes from American mythology and lore, including the legend of John Henry. Now in the third and final book, the heroes come together at the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago for a final confrontation with a businessman and tycoon who is in fact an ageless evil known as the Gog. With his Dark Machine, he intends to bend the world to his ruthless vision of progress and efficiency. It's man versus machine all over again, fighting for the soul of humanity in front of Ferris's Wheel. For fans of adventure fantasy like Percy Jackson and Peter and the Starcatchers." |
Jake Bible
The Flipside (Ages 15+) "The year is 2046 and dinosaurs are real. Time bubbles across the world, many as large as one hundred square miles, turn like clockwork, revealing prehistoric landscapes from the Cretaceous Period. They reveal the Flipside. Now, thirty years after the first Turn, the clockwork is breaking down as one of the world's powers has decided to exploit the phenomenon for their own gain, possibly destroying everything then and now in the process. Former Head of Security for Topside Command Trevon Cash must navigate his way through the chaos of the broken turns and take a team Flipside to try to figure out what is happening. What Cash and the others don't know is all that waits for them is horror and nightmares– a destroyed base, packs of ravenous carnivores, pterosaurs bent on plucking every human from the ground to be eaten far above, and so much more. Can Cash and his team stop what is happening? Or will they end up stuck Flipside forever in a perpetual, prehistoric nightmare?" Parental warning: Language and since dinosaurs are involved, a certain amount of blood, gore and plenty of screaming. |
KG Blaettler
Georgina and the Ba'Asa Affair (Ages 13 to Adult) "Georgina finds herself sucked into the world of multidimensional corporate espionage when the Ba’Asa invite her to visit - by trying to kill her. As the bodies pile up, Georgina races through the surface and subsurface worlds of San Diego State University to discover the dark secrets of the Ba’Asa before the murderer, or the Interdimensional Protectors of All Species Officers, catch her. "Accompanied by her ever-annoying reality-impaired bodyguard George, Georgina searches for answers in this science-based urban fantasy." Parents, there's some ewww factor (slime, bugs, other icky things) and a little PG-13 language, but nothing I wouldn't forbid my teen to read in this GREAT romp through San Diego and San Diego State University as Georgina works to solve the mysterious happenings that are upsetting the resident intergalactic/multidimensional community -- and a few humans too. |
Joe Bonadonna
Mad Shadows: The Weird Tales of Dorgo the Dowser (Book 1) (Ages 13+) "Valdar is a city of swordslingers and necromancers, witch cults and halfhuman races. It's a city in a world of darkness, black magic and creatures of the night . . . a city where demonic entities serve the needs of any witch or magicman who can open a doorway into their domain. This is my city. This is my world. With a special dowsing rod, I can detect the ectoplasmic residue of any supernatural presence or demonic entity and sense the vestiges of odylic power and vile sorcery used in the commission of crimes. I hunt anyone and anything that poses a threat to the people of my city. My name's Dorgo. Folks call me the Dowser. "From infernal depths where lost souls mutate into hell-spawned devils, from the other side of the veil that separates the earthly from the unearthly, from an ancient land whose borders cross into other dimensions, Mad Shadows-The Weird Tales of Dorgo the Dowser, will transport you to a world where sentient shadows, vengeful vampires, malevolent puppets, and raging werewolves haunt the night . . . a world where life is cheap and souls are always up for sale." Joe kindly provided me an electronic copy of Mad Shadows and I'll tell you, I'm pretty excited about his writing. I've only read the first two stories and I'm captivated by his mastery of the genre! The stories move right along, no dragging, no excess or overblown verbage and yet he paints a picture of this city filled with humans, magical creatures and plots within plots, while Dorgo tries to find the answers to questions that he's forced to answer. Written with a sense of humor and a bit of the "bad" boy without being filled with graphic images of sex and language, this is a fun romp through Joe's new version of sword and sorcery. Now, I know you're thinking of classic sword and sorcery like Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian or John Norman's Gor series. Nope. Not even close! For one thing, Joe isn't disrespectful of women. His female characters are strong and intelligent; there's no dumb blondes here! Honestly, Joe's style of writing makes me think more of Roger Zelzany's Doorways in the Sand mixed with the best of Harry Harrison with a swirl of Clifford Simak for flavor and set into a world of magic. I'm really thrilled about this new voice in sci-fi and fantasy. Parents, I'd rate this story somewhere between G and PG-13. There's some mention of breasts and some descriptions of a lady's assets, a little bit about his desire-to-grope, a little groping and kissing, but when the sex scene comes, it's more like, they kissed and the story continues in the morning. No graphic sex, only a little innuendo. (RDJ) Mad Shadows - The Order of the Serpent (Book 2) (Ages 13+) "Dorgo the Dowser returns in a new novel of heroic fantasy! "This time around, Dorgo falls in love with a witch known as The Girl Who Loved Ghouls, battles creatures from another dimension, and meets one very special cat named Crystal. It's also the first time he hears about the ancient death cult called the Order of the Serpent. "Then, after a young woman is murdered and a mysterious book of arcane lore is stolen from her, Dorgo comes closer to learning more about the snake-worshipping Order. "But first Dorgo must battle both humans and demons in order to find and destroy the Book of Echoes. Finally, when called upon to help a young girl trapped inside an evil spell, Dorgo must confront fiends born of dark sorcery as he tries to save her and destroy the undying warlock who is the leader of the Order of the Serpent. "Magic, murder, mystery, and mayhem all await you in Mad Shadows II: The Order of the Serpent. "'At first sight, it's classic sword and sorcery, set on a world populated by fighting men, merchants, wizards, and a multitude of mythical, non-mythical, and just plain made-up beasts. There's a different, though, in the style of the storytelling. It's a first-person narrative, executed very much in the style of the hard-boiled private eye genre.'" — Dave Brzeski, British Fantasy Society Mad Shadows - The Heroes of Echo Gate (Book 3) (Ages 13+) "Dorgo's Greatest Challenge "During an arduous and dangerous trek through the Scarlet Desert in search of the fabled Well of Tears, Dorgo the Dowser and his companions accidentally uncover an ancient artifact buried for eons beneath the blood-colored sand. After a harrowing, action-packed journey through the desert they find the Well of Tears, the repository of God’s tears, and there encounter the ghosts of the Sisters of the Blue Light, the Guardians of the Well. The nuns tell them about the relic of antiquity they found: it is a thing of cosmic evil — a thing not of their world, a thing which must be destroyed. But the answer to destroying that artifact is a riddle Dorgo and his companions must discover for themselves. "When the Spirit trapped inside the artifact is set free by one of their companions, Dorgo and the others learn that the evil now threatens not only their world, but all the Otherworlds of the multi-dimensional Echoverse. The key to destroying this evil is somehow tied in with the demons seeking to control Echo Gate — the master portal that leads not only to every world in the Echoverse, but through Space and Time, as well. As a great battle erupts on the island of Thavarar, where Echo Gate is located, Dorgo and his companions must unravel the mystery of the thing they found in the desert, and discover the means by which it can be destroyed. "'There are three acts that follow the classic purposes: setup, rising tension, and an epic battle. The climax consumes a full third of the book and resonates with all the grandeur of defending Tolkien’s Helm’s Deep. The city of Soolaflan, on the island of Thavarar, is the fortress and it is situated around Echo Gate. Demons from across time want access to it. The portals across the world of Tanyime (and even across time and space) echo those from C. J. Cherryh’s Morgaine Cycle and even Raymond E. Feist’s Riftwar Saga.'" ― SE Lindberg, Black Gate Magazine ---------- Three Against the Stars (Book 1) (Ages 13+) NEW EDITIONS!! "On the distant alien planet of Rhajnara a conspiracy created by the facist Khandra Regime is set into motion to overthrow the rightful Rhajni Republic and instigate a policy of ethnic-cleansing. The conspirators are cunning and it seems nothing in the universe can derail their mad apocalyptic scheme. Nothing that is but three rambunctious Space Marines from the Third Regiment Company E of the United States Space Marines assigned to Rhajnara with the Terran Expeditionary Force. Sergeants Fernado Cortez, Seamus O’Hara and Claudia Akira are the most unlikely trio ever to don jarhead camouflage and become military heroes. To their superiors they are wild, reckless and incessant troublemakers always in the thick of things. Yet their courage, loyalty and devotion to duty prove them to be the toughest Devil Dogs in the Corp. "Now, with the aid of a Medical Corpsman named Makki Doon, a young Felisian native proto-feline humanoid, these three futuristic musketeers are about to become the one factor capable of exposing the traitorous Khandra coup. But to do so they will have to put their lives on the line (one more time and risk all to save the day facing off against incredible odds. To save an empire they will truly become…THREE AGAINST THE STARS. Joe Bonadonna delivers a fast paced, action packed space opera fans of Edmond Hamilton and E.E. “Doc” Smith will not soon forget." Author Joe Bonadonna kindly provided a copy of Three Against the Stars for review. Let me tell you, this isn't just a nod to the classics of pulp novels, it's a rip-roaring, testosterone-laden, science fiction space opera suitable for any teen, boy or girl, who loves the genre! (And their parents too!) Space Marines, bad guys, traitors and aliens are all interconnected in a fast moving tale that features a terrible trio of Marines who are always down for a fight. Plus the good guy alien sidekick who's really, really a nice guy who wants to be a Marine too. The main characters are diverse, with flaws, ideocyncracies and just enough information to make them real, without delving into any mushy nonsense that'd slow the story down. "There's plenty of fighting for military sci-fi fans and plot ins-and-outs for the rest of us. Even the love interests don't hold the story back, they have a place in the story and fulfill it nicely. All-in-all, I highly recommend this book to lovers of the classic era of pulp science fiction. (RDJ) The MechMen of Canis-9: A Three Against The Stars Adventure (Book 2) (Ages 13+) NEW EDITION! "In this rousing sequel to Three Against The Stars, Sergeants Seamus O’Hara, Claudia Akira, Fernando Cortez and a platoon of Marines are deployed to Canis-9 — Devoora, the Ocean Planet. Their mission: find seven indestructible robot warriors hidden there for seventy years. Most of the platoon survives a crash-landing but are left stranded in a hostile environment of deadly sea predators. Rescued by native Tulavi islanders, the Marines get caught up in a war between this mysterious, maritime civilization and another indigenous race, the Malvarians, who hunt and harvest the eggs of the giant kaizsu — the Sea Dragons sacred to the Tulavi.As the Marines set out to complete their mission they discover a secret known only by the Tulavi: the endangered kaizsu are the key to Devoora’s ecosystem and the future of all life on the planet. "With memorable heroes, unforgettable villains and plenty of action, this interplanetary adventure pays tribute to every sea- and space-faring classic that inspired it. Journey beyond your horizon as the Devil Dogs of Company E embark on a quest to find The MechMen of Canis-9. “'Bonadonna has constructed an empire and galaxy that largely escapes the looming shadow of Star Wars and Star Trek to exist as an original work in its own right.'” — William Patrick Maynard, Black Gate Magazine, author of The Terror of Fu Manchu and The Destiny of Fu Manchu. |
Joe Bonadonna & David C. Smith
Waters of Darkeness (Ages 15+) "Bloody Red Buchanan and Crimson Kate O'Toole sail against the tides of Hell. 1640. The Age of Pirates. Bloody Red Buchanan and Crimson Kate O'Toole sail for eastern seas and the Isle of Shadow, looking for treasure. Their galleons take them into the tides of Hell. More of their crews die than stay alive as they fight the ancient sorcery of an undying priest of Dagon and the sorcerer with efreet who follow his commands. The seas will fill with blood, and Hell will scream with the freshly dead, before these pirates fight their way free of the evils they have loosed." Authors David Smith and Joe Bonadonna provided a copy of Waters of Darkness for review. To be honest, I've never really been into pirate stories, so I probably would've passed this by. I would have been wrong. Dead wrong! This multicultural adventure on the high seas was another riproaring homage to old style pulp with a huge swirl of classic Edgar Rice Burroughs mixed with a dollop of Robert Louis Stevenson. Pirates, magic, revenge, horror and a little love mixed by the creative genius of this dynamic duo of the New Pulp movement made this a fast and fun read. This tale of cursed treasure and ancient evil is tightly woven together, with twists and unexpected turns as Captain Bloody Red Buchanan, his first mate Mose Cooper, Captain Crimson Kate O'Toole and their crews face destruction, dismemberment and death while unraveling the mystery of the lead coins, alchemy, demons and unavenged betrayals. With plenty of battles between "me hearties" and "my uglies" against monsters, the undead and other pirates, the action is non-stop. My only uncomfortable moments were when the pirates called the Arab pirates "dogs." That did give me some pause, as there are some pretty deep and ugly connotations with that term. I had to get a grip and remind myself that it was and still is a common term used in reference to sailors and pirates. So I set aside my 21st century mores and simply enjoyed the tale for what it is -- a great story. I'd rate this tale at "PG-13". (RDJ) |
Joe Bonadonna and Erika M Szabo
Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin: Creepy Hollow Adventures 1 (Grades 1-6 / Ages 6 to 12+) Golden Book Award Winner "Spooky and funny, a heroic fantasy adventure for middle-grade children. Nikki and her impish cousin, Jack, find a mysterious black pumpkin in the forest on Halloween. A wise talking skeleton, Wishbone, tells them that the ghosts of the Trinity of Wishmothers are trapped inside the pumpkin and can’t be freed without their wands. The children offer their help, so the skeleton takes them on a journey to the world of Creepy Hollow to retrieve the three wands he hid long ago in Red Crow Forest, the Tower of Shadows, and the Cave of Spooks. Ghoulina, the beautiful vegetarian ghoul, and Catman, who was once a man, join them on their quest. They must face danger and conquer evil every step of the way as they search for the Wands before the wicked Hobgoblin and his henchman, a Tasmanian Devil, can get their hands on them. This is a fun, humorous and touching story for kids, with plenty of character interaction woven into a backdrop of scary danger, heroic action and lessons to be learned." |
Sarah Rees Brennan
In Other Lands (Ages 13+) Hugo & Locus award finalist "The Borderlands aren’t like anywhere else. Don’t try to smuggle a phone or any other piece of technology over the wall that marks the Border ― unless you enjoy a fireworks display in your backpack. (Ballpoint pens are okay.) There are elves, harpies, and ― best of all as far as Elliot is concerned ― mermaids. "'What’s your name?' "'Serene.' "'Serena?' Elliot asked. "'Serene,' said Serene. 'My full name is Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle.' "Elliot’s mouth fell open. "That is badass." "Elliot? Who’s Elliot? Elliot is thirteen years old. He’s smart and just a tiny bit obnoxious. Sometimes more than a tiny bit. When his class goes on a field trip and he can see a wall that no one else can see, he is given the chance to go to school in the Borderlands. "It turns out that on the other side of the wall, classes involve a lot more weaponry and fitness training and fewer mermaids than he expected. On the other hand, there’s Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle, an elven warrior who is more beautiful than anyone Elliot has ever seen, and then there’s her human friend Luke: sunny, blond, and annoyingly likeable. There are lots of interesting books. There’s even the chance Elliot might be able to change the world. "In Other Lands is the exhilarating new book from beloved and bestselling author Sarah Rees Brennan. It’s a novel about surviving four years in the most unusual of schools, about friendship, falling in love, diplomacy, and finding your own place in the world ― even if it means giving up your phone." Parents: Coming of age story, love triangle and main character is bisexual |
Michael Chabon
Summerland (Grades 5+ / Ages 10+) "Ethan Feld is bad at baseball. Hopeless, even. But when his father mysteriously disappears, Ethan is recruited to save him and the world by traveling the baseball-obsessed Summerlands to stop Coyote, the trickster, from unmaking existence. With help from a ragtag group of friends he meets along the way, Ethan must not only find his father and stop Coyote, but also master his position on the field. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon has created a distinctly American fantasy experience with baseball at its heart. " |
Roshani Chokshi
The Gilded Wolves (Ages 12-18+ / Grades 7+) "From New York Times bestselling author Roshani Chokshi comes The Gilded Wolves, a novel set in Paris during a time of extraordinary change--one that is full of mystery, decadence, and dangerous desires... "No one believes in them. But soon no one will forget them. "It's 1889. The city is on the cusp of industry and power, and the Exposition Universelle has breathed new life into the streets and dredged up ancient secrets. Here, no one keeps tabs on dark truths better than treasure-hunter and wealthy hotelier Séverin Montagnet-Alarie. When the elite, ever-powerful Order of Babel coerces him to help them on a mission, Séverin is offered a treasure that he never imagined: his true inheritance. "To hunt down the ancient artifact the Order seeks, Séverin calls upon a band of unlikely experts: An engineer with a debt to pay. A historian banished from his home. A dancer with a sinister past. And a brother in arms if not blood. "Together, they will join Séverin as he explores the dark, glittering heart of Paris. What they find might change the course of history--but only if they can stay alive." Mixed cast of characters: Séverin - half-Algerian Laila - Indian Zofia - Jewish, Polish, autistic Enrique - Filipino/Spanish, queer Tristan - ? Hypnos - Black, queer |

J. Scott Coatsworth, Editor
Fix the World: Twelve Sci-Fi Writers Save the Future (Ages 12+)
(Writers Save the World)
Authors: J. Scott Coatsworth, Bryan Cebulski, Rachel Hope Crossman, Jana Denardo, J.G. Follansbee, Ingrid Garcia, Jennifer R. Povey, Mere Rain, D.M. Rasch, Holly Schofield
"We’re a world beset by crises. Climate change, income inequality, racism, pandemics, an almost unmanageable tangle of issues. Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a hopeful future.
"We asked sci-fi writers to send us stories about ways to fix what’s wrong with the world. From the sixty-five stories we received, we chose the twelve most amazing (and hopefully prescient) tales.
"Dive in and find out how we might mitigate climate change, make war obsolete, switch to alternative forms of energy, and restructure the very foundations of our society.
"The future’s not going to fix itself." Click HERE to order
Fix the World: Twelve Sci-Fi Writers Save the Future (Ages 12+)
(Writers Save the World)
Authors: J. Scott Coatsworth, Bryan Cebulski, Rachel Hope Crossman, Jana Denardo, J.G. Follansbee, Ingrid Garcia, Jennifer R. Povey, Mere Rain, D.M. Rasch, Holly Schofield
"We’re a world beset by crises. Climate change, income inequality, racism, pandemics, an almost unmanageable tangle of issues. Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a hopeful future.
"We asked sci-fi writers to send us stories about ways to fix what’s wrong with the world. From the sixty-five stories we received, we chose the twelve most amazing (and hopefully prescient) tales.
"Dive in and find out how we might mitigate climate change, make war obsolete, switch to alternative forms of energy, and restructure the very foundations of our society.
"The future’s not going to fix itself." Click HERE to order

Save the World: Twenty Sci-Fi Writers Save the Planet (Ages 12+)
(Writers Save the World)
Authors: J. Scott Coatsworth, N. R. M. Roshak, Jana Denardo, Holly Schofield, Jennifer R. Povey, M.D. Neu, J.G. Follansbee, Lisa Short, Jennifer Irani, Gustavo Bodoni
"Twenty ways to fix the planet. Climate change is no longer a vague future threat. Forests are burning, currents are shifting, and massive storms dump staggering amounts of water in less than 24 hours. Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a hopeful future.
"We asked sci-fi writers to send us stories about ways to save the world from climate change. From the myriad of stories we received, we chose the twenty most amazing (and hopefully prescient) tales. Dive in and find out how we might mitigate climate change via solar mirrors, carbon capture, genetic manipulation, and acts of change both large and small.
"The future’s not going to fix itself." Click HERE to order
(Writers Save the World)
Authors: J. Scott Coatsworth, N. R. M. Roshak, Jana Denardo, Holly Schofield, Jennifer R. Povey, M.D. Neu, J.G. Follansbee, Lisa Short, Jennifer Irani, Gustavo Bodoni
"Twenty ways to fix the planet. Climate change is no longer a vague future threat. Forests are burning, currents are shifting, and massive storms dump staggering amounts of water in less than 24 hours. Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a hopeful future.
"We asked sci-fi writers to send us stories about ways to save the world from climate change. From the myriad of stories we received, we chose the twenty most amazing (and hopefully prescient) tales. Dive in and find out how we might mitigate climate change via solar mirrors, carbon capture, genetic manipulation, and acts of change both large and small.
"The future’s not going to fix itself." Click HERE to order

Transform the World: Fourteen Sci-fi Writers Save the Planet (Ages 12+)
(Writers Save the World)
Authors: J. Scott Coatsworth, Stephanie N. F. Greene, Holly Schofield, B. Morris Allen, JoeAnn Hart, Xauri'EL Zwaan, Beth Gaydon, Jaymie Heilman, Stephen B. Pearl, O.E. Tearmann
"Income inequality is worse than it was in the Roaring Twenties. Corporations are moving fast and breaking things, and the social contract seems to be falling apart, aided by social media disruption and division on steroids.
"There has to be a better way.
"We asked fourteen sci-fi writers to come up with innovative ways the world could work better. Universal basic income, smaller communities, AI voting, and learning to live in harmony with nature are just a few of the ideas explored inside these pages. So buckle up and settle in for a look at the world of the future.
"The world’s not going to transform itself." Click HERE to order
If you're tired of depressing apocalyptic, dystopian, and zombie-filled speculative fiction that hits a little too close to home in these troubling times, find new hope for a brighter future in these three volumes filled with science fiction stories. Let's take a few hours and join these diverse protagonists as they save the world! RDJ
(Writers Save the World)
Authors: J. Scott Coatsworth, Stephanie N. F. Greene, Holly Schofield, B. Morris Allen, JoeAnn Hart, Xauri'EL Zwaan, Beth Gaydon, Jaymie Heilman, Stephen B. Pearl, O.E. Tearmann
"Income inequality is worse than it was in the Roaring Twenties. Corporations are moving fast and breaking things, and the social contract seems to be falling apart, aided by social media disruption and division on steroids.
"There has to be a better way.
"We asked fourteen sci-fi writers to come up with innovative ways the world could work better. Universal basic income, smaller communities, AI voting, and learning to live in harmony with nature are just a few of the ideas explored inside these pages. So buckle up and settle in for a look at the world of the future.
"The world’s not going to transform itself." Click HERE to order
If you're tired of depressing apocalyptic, dystopian, and zombie-filled speculative fiction that hits a little too close to home in these troubling times, find new hope for a brighter future in these three volumes filled with science fiction stories. Let's take a few hours and join these diverse protagonists as they save the world! RDJ
Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games series - The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay (Grades 7+ / Ages 13+) Note that despite the movie casting, the books describe the residents of the districts and the Hunger Games participants as darker complected than the residents of the Capitol. Katriss is described as gray-eyed and olive-skinned, not White. Therefore, I placed these wildly popular books in "Mixed" because, at least to me, the characters are obviously of mixed races and ethnicities. Some themes in this series may be too intense for younger readers. The Hunger Games (Grades 7+ / Ages 13+) "In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, 'The Hunger Games,' a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed." Catching Fire (Grades 7+ / Ages 13+) "Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow district tribute Peeta Mellark. But it was a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and their harsh rules. Katniss and Peeta should be happy. After all, they have just won for themselves and their families a life of safety and plenty. But there are rumors of rebellion among the subjects, and Katniss and Peeta, to their horror, are the faces of that rebellion. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge." Mockingjay (Grades 7+ / Ages 13+) "Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she's made it out of the bloody arena alive, she's still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what's worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss's family, not her friends, not the people of District 12. Powerful and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins's groundbreaking The Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year." |
The hardcover
3-volume set |
RE de Jauregui
Bitter (Ages 16 to Adult) NOTE: Shameless plug here for my own books. "Shadows slink through the night in Alkali Flat as homicide detective Juanita Bitter investigates murders most foul. But when a Dispatcher's body is found in the stairwell of the police department, Bitter is forced into a case where everyone is a suspect—especially her fellow officers. Worse, that same Dispatcher had managed to put Bitter in the hospital a few days earlier… "When the sun goes down, the strange, exotic, and magical emerges in Bitter's Sacramento. And if something hisses at her from a dark alley, it may not be a stray cat." "The short story, Bitter Blood, introduces Bitter and her world―down the street, around the corner, and one dimension over from the "real" Sacramento. "Bitter Nights picks up the continuing story of Bitter a few months later. Murder, monsters, and mayhem―crime meets urban fantasy and Bitter must solve the case before someone else dies." Cross-posted under Asian/Pacific Islander, Black and Native American REVIEW: https://amzn.to/2WZ510z Bitter Sins (Ages 16 to Adult) "The monsoon season is on the way to Las Vegas, along with Homicide Detective Juanita Bitter. In and out, two nights and home again – no muss, no fuss – until Bitter disappears from the new Kalahari hotel and casino. "Murder, monsters, and a decades old mystery lead Bitter through a case in and under Sin City that began with the murder of her beloved husband. If she can't find the monster who haunts her days and nights, she and her sons may pay the ultimate price – because what happens in Las Vegas doesn't always stay in Las Vegas." |
Matt de la Peña
Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons Series) (Grades 7-9 / Ages 12-17) "When the dawn breaks, a hero rises. "Clark Kent has always been faster, stronger, better than everyone around him. He knows drawing attention to himself could be dangerous, but lately it’s difficult to stay in the shadows. And he’s not the only one with something to hide. When Clark follows the sound of a girl crying, he comes across Gloria Alvarez and learns that people have been disappearing. With his best friend, Lana Lang, at his side, Clark is determined to discover what evil lies below the surface of their town. Before he can save the world, the future Man of Steel must save Smallville." "In his brilliant take on Superman, de la Peña shows us that there's a chance we'll all need to step up like Clark Kent--with or without a cape." --Jason Reynolds, New York Times bestselling author of Miles Morales: Spider-Man and Long Way Down "Everything we love about the Man of Steel: courageous, compassionate, and full of hope." --Gene Luen Yang, author of New Super-Man and National Ambassador for Young People's Literature "A wonderful, bold interpretation of a DC icon that aspires to embrace all readers, new and old." --Kirkus Reviews, STARRED REVIEW Continue with the rest of the DC Icons series! Read the books in any order you choose: * Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo * Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu * Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas * Black Canary: Breaking Silence by Alexandra Monir * Harley Quinn: Reckoning by Rachael Allen |
Quinton Douglass Crawford
Moochie the Soochie - Visits the Peace People (All ages) "This is a two story Childrens book. Story-1: Moochie travels to visit children on every continent to learn a little of their languages. Story-2: Moochie travels through human history to find people in times of peace." I know Quinton personally so I really can't give an unbiased review of this wonderful, gentle story of Moochie the alien and how she travels the world in story 1 and through time in story 2. Safe for all ages. |
Tricia Drammeh
Spellbound (Spellbringers Book 1) (Ages 13+) "The Demon Re’Vel stalks his prey in the forest of dreams, slowly gaining control over the mind of his victim. "Rachel doesn’t realize the Demon is real. In fact, she doesn’t believe in magic, Demons, Hunters, or any of the other things the Alexanders have warned her about. She resists their protection, but can’t resist her overwhelming feelings for Jace. "Alisa has been drawn to Jace since the day she saved him from a Hunter attack. A mere human in a world of Spellbringers, Alisa has been embraced by the Alexander family as a hero, but not everyone is willing to accept her. Jace’s intimidating older brother, Bryce, keeps his emotions and his secrets hidden. When Bryce confides in Alisa, it puts her relationship with Jace and the entire Alexander family at risk. "Danger, secrets, and betrayal collide, and when the Demon makes his claim, the small, southern town of Oaktree becomes a battleground for Rachel’s life." "Formerly published under the title 'The Claiming Words,' Spellbound is a completely re-written, re-vamped novel featuring added scenes, additional chapters, and a new ending." Firebound (Spellbringers Book 2) "Rachel's thirst for knowledge about the family she never knew drives her to keep a secret from the Alexanders that shatters Jace's trust in her. With her renewed dream-relationship with Re'Vel, she walks a razor's edge, putting the entire Alexander family—and Alisa—in terrible danger.Alisa and Bryce are more in love than ever, but his jealousy and possessiveness threaten to push Alisa away. With his Claiming Words ringing in Alisa's ears, she tries to reconcile her sense of independence with her desperate yearning for Bryce. A dark enemy from the Alexanders past is out for vengeance and uses Rachel as his target to get to the family he despises. When Alisa is caught in the crossfire, Bryce is willing to sacrifice anything to save her—even his own soul." Unbound (Spellbringers Book 3) "Some bonds can never be broken... Alisa and Bryce are keeping a huge secret, but when an accident illustrates how dangerous their secret has become, she's forced to make a choice between her family's expectations and the man she loves more than anything. Rachel's past mistakes have finally caught up with her. Her continued association with Re'Vel results in unspeakable tragedy and brings to question her loyalty to the magical community. With accusations from all directions and her heart in tatters, she finds out who her real friends are and finds her true strength." |
Tom Fallwell
Dragonblood Throne: Legacy (Volumne 1) (Ages 15+) "Orphaned as a young child and growing up alone in the forest, Delina lives a life of isolation; her only companion a saber-toothed panther. Her strange eyes frighten those she occasionally encounters, so she keeps to herself, until a young, wounded warrior ends up at her doorstep. As she nurses him back to health, she discovers she is more than just a young woman with unusual eyes, she is a dragonblood, destined to become the ruler of Almar. Now hunted by the dark sorcerer who murdered her father, usurped his throne, and killed all her kin, she must find out how she can release the essence of the dragon inside her to defeat him. Everything depends upon her willingness to embrace her legacy and reclaim the Dragon Throne." Parents: The story contains some violence and battle scenes that may be too intense for younger teens. -------- A Whisper in the Shadows: A Rangers of Laerean Adventure (Volumne 1) (Ages 15+) "The Rangers of Laerean are the protectors of the people, the heroes of Hir. Their exploits are legendary and their great deeds recounted in tales across the ages. These are the stories that will be told for generations. "When the Ranger Baric meets the exotic and alluring woman from Vaar'da, Whisper, he agrees to assist her on what seems a simple rescue mission that soon turns into something far more complicated than he expected. Seeking the source of her recurring nightmares, they discover an artifact of unimaginable power that was likely the cause of the Great Disruption, which destroyed all of Hir, over two thousand years ago. "Their journey soon becomes a deadly and suicidal quest into the Great Divide, an area of Hir where men fear to travel, into the realm of the demonic Manenase, who live under a great volcano in the center of the Boiling Sea. Gathering a small army of Rangers, they delve deep into the bowels of the volcano, Mount Scorch, on a journey to prevent another earth-shattering disruption that could destroy their entire world. "The fate of Hir depends on the courage and skills of the heroic Rangers and their small Vaar'da companion, as they struggle to save the world from impending disaster and face their greatest challenge, and where Baric must face the destiny he foresaw in a dream, many years before." Where Shadows Fall: A Rangers of Laerean Adventure (Volumne 2) (Ages 15+) "When the Rangers discover that a deadly and horrific dragon of unspeakable power has been loosed upon their world, they must find a way to destroy the monster before the creature of shadows burns them all into oblivion. Complicating their efforts, the discovery of a secret and hidden dragon cult that worships the monster, and a conspiracy of dark forces from the realm of shadows, threatens to destroy the peace their world has known for centuries and bring war to the people of Hir. Political and economic turmoil ensue and result in mistrust between the rulers of the lands of Hir. "Struggling to survive the deepest of betrayals, the Rangers face a dark and foreboding time, as the world of Hir changes dramatically around them. Baric faces an impossible task of entering the realm of shadows, the World Between Worlds, to stop the lethal attacks of the King of Shadows, Doomrage, and save the soul of his lost love, Whisper." "The Day of Chaos is one that will go down in the annals of history as a day that altered the political landscape of Hir forever, and the Rangers must struggle to survive in a world gone mad, as the shadows of death and destruction fall over the entire world. Friends are lost, and new friends are found, in a story of survival and determination for the Rangers of Laerean. The Shadow of Narwyrm: A Rangers of Laerean Adventure (Volumne 3) (Ages 15+) "Baric has already failed once to stop the horror of the dragon, Doomrage, who continues his attacks against the people of Hir from the realm of shadows. Baric and his new found companion,Ramura, the Lord of the Lions, must journey to find an artifact of great power created by an ancient race from a previous era of Hir. "Still hoping to save the soul of his lost love, Whisper, from the monster's shadowy prison, Baric doesn't realize that Doomrage now has full control and has sent Whisper's simulacrum to slay the very man in whom she once placed her hope, and the deadly assassin now tracks the Rangers on their quest to find the ancient relic they need to defeat the equally ancient dragon. "The world of Hir now stands on the brink of war with the demonic Manenase and their massive horde of Morok minions. The armies of the civilized races of Hir come together and gather to meet this threat from the Great Divide, as Baric, Ramura and the Zumarian, Sainsha, journey to the haunted Ghost Swamp to find the lost Amulet of Thiranor, which holds the key to stopping Doomrage, once and for all. "In the epic conclusion to the Shadows Trilogy of the Rangers of Laerean series, much lore from the ancient past is learned, and the history of the ancient magical creatures known as the Mythica is discovered, while the shadow of the great Dragon Spirit, Narwyrm, looms over them all." |
Adam Gidwitz (Author) / Hatem Aly (Illustrator)
The Creature of the Pines (The Unicorn Rescue Society) (Ages 7-10 / Grades 2-5) "Unicorns are real. (At least we think they are.) "Are you ready to protect the creatures of myth and legend? Then you belong in The Unicorn Rescue Society. HURRY–THE CREATURES NEED YOU! "Elliot Eisner isn't exactly thrilled with the first day at his new school. His class is going on a field trip to a creepy forest called the Pine Barrens. The trip is being led by Professor Fauna, the weirdest teacher Elliot has ever met. And the only kid who will talk to Elliot, Uchenna Devereaux, isn’t afraid of danger. She likes danger. "Elliot and Uchenna are about to become part of a secret group of adventurers, The Unicorn Rescue Society, whose goal is to protect and defend the world’s mythical creatures. Together with Professor Fauna, Elliot and Uchenna must help rescue a Jersey Devil from a duo of conniving, greedy billionaires, the Schmoke Brothers. "Join Elliot and Uchenna on their very first quest as members of the Unicorn Rescue Society in this fantasy-adventure series from Adam Gidwitz, the beloved bestselling and Newbery Honor-winning author of The Inquisitors Tale and A Tale Dark & Grimm. "Illustrated throughout, this is the perfect fit for newly independent readers looking for a story full of adventure, fun, and friendship." |
David Macinnis Gill
Soul Enchilada (Grades 9+ / Ages 14+) "The devil made 'em do it. "Girl meets boy at a car wash. And probably this would have been a sweet teen romance . . . except that the girl's grandfather sold his soul for a classic Cadillac and he used her soul as collateral, too. Which the devil has come to collect, along with the car. Now eighteen-year-old Bug Smoot has to fight for both. Good thing she knows how to fight dirty. Good thing nothing frightens Bug Smoot: not the repo man, not the paranormal creatures, not seances or driving too fast. And good thing that boy from the car wash is actually a supernatural secret agent. "This is one helluva ride." Bug is Black and Tejana (Texan-Mexican-Latina) and alone in the world, trying to make it with just her grandfather's classic 1958 Caddy -- and now her grandfather has somehow managed to evade the Devil's repo man who's looking for a soul to keep in exchange for the car... (RDJ) |
Alison Goodman
Singing the Dogstar Blues (Ages 12+) "Seventeen-year-old Joss is a rebel, and a student of time travel at the prestigious Centre for Neo-Historical Studies. This year, for the first time, the Centre has an alien student: Mavkel, from the planet Choria. And Mavkel has chosen Joss, of all people, as his roommate and study partner. Then Mavkel gets sick. Joss quickly realizes that his will to live is draining away. The only way she can help Mavkel is by breaking the Centre's strictest rules - and that means going back in time to change history. This new Firebird edition of Alison Goodman's acclaimed first genre-bending adventure features a short story about Joss and Mav's after-book adventures, originally published in Firebirds Rising." Some parents may be disturbed by Joss' mother's same-sex relationship. There's nothing graphic, nothing more than what a teen would see in today's world and relationships. |
Robert Heinlein
Friday (Ages 16+) Genetically-enhanced Friday is a courier for the Boss in a chaotic world of corporations, small countries in what used to the be the United States and corruption. Until something goes wrong with her last job and her life is ripped apart. Despite the book cover, Friday is clearly described as being of mixed race with brown skin and she discovers, as her group family breaks apart, that her darker skin was of concern to at least one member of the family. It's one of the few Heinlein books that has a female main character that isn't too horribly written, although I think the end is definitely weak and could've been much better. Female characters were not his strength, he was definitely a man of his era. Descriptions of genetically-enhanced humans, a rape, group marriages, non-descriptive sex and same-sex relationships may be disturbing to parents and teens. (RDJ) ---------- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Ages 15+) Winner of the 1967 Hugo Award for Best Novel, this is a tale of the former Lunar penal colony -- filled with plenty of adventure, politics, rebellion, a computer technician, and a sentient computer on the Moon. This is one of my favorite Heinlein books, right up there with Have Space Suit, Will Travel. Mentions of group marriages and some "pillow talk" may be disturbing to parents and teens. (RDJ) "It is a tale of revolution, of the rebellion of the former Lunar penal colony against the Lunar Authority that controls it from Earth. It is the tale of the disparate people--a computer technician, a vigorous young female agitator, and an elderly academic--who become the rebel movement's leaders. And it is the story of Mike, the supercomputer whose sentience is known only to this inner circle, and who for reasons of his own is committed to the revolution's ultimate success. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is one of the high points of modern science fiction, a novel bursting with politics, humanity, passion, innovative technical speculation, and a firm belief in the pursuit of human freedom." |
Thaddeus Howze
Hayward's Reach (Ages 14+) "Hayward's Reach is a series of short stories told by the last survivor after an unexpected cataclysm destroys the birthplace of Pan-Humanity and its attendant species. Glendale Mokoto, now as a Scout of the Corvan Empire which rescued the remnants of Pan-humanity, has time on his hands and uses it to study temporal records in which the entire history of Old Earth is embedded. Looking though time and space he reminisces about an Earth that no longer exists. In these tales, Mokoto studies both the past and the future of Pan-Humanity, its allies and enemies, and learns even in his current state of in-humanity what it really means to be truly human. "Hayward's Reach is divided into four sections: "The Fables of Old Earth: Stories about humans as we might remember them still struggle for survival against a world which only seems to be under their control; instead a hidden reality is just beyond the sight of these early humans, a reality which affects the ultimate destiny of the species. "A Time of Troubles: The quest for wealth and power affects the choices of both man and god alike. Dark pacts are often made in order to satisfy avarice and the innocent are its first victims. "Entering the Penumbra: Tales of the darkest nature; a descent into depravity, deprivation and destruction. Each tale reinforcing the horror of the last. But even in this time, a single hope always flickers, a voice brave enough to claim victory, at least some of the time... "The Diaspora of Earth: the final tales of the Human species after the destruction of Earth. Six adventures of Pan-Humanity's struggles in a hostile universe, more alien than they imagined with creatures whose powers are only hinted at, capable of altering matter and energy which hint at even recreating the Earth, for a price." This book is impeccably written, with a single F-bomb used in dialogue (and appropriate in the context of the story), in the story "Mammon (Only Here for the Food)". There is no other strong language used. (RDJ) |
K.R. Hulsey
Demona - Book One (Ages 16+) "There is a world beyond our own whose magic still runs rampant; it runs deeper than the roots of the earth and thicker than the air we breathe. While humans of Earth have forsaken the natural order for technological advancement, Billayo still lives and breathes the magical essence of nature and of the soul. A planet much like our own, with vast seas, awesome mountain ranges, and its own giant sun and moon, Billayo could be the long lost twin of our Earth. Perhaps eons ago, the worlds had been closer, or travel had been possible, as Earth retains myths and legends of incredible creatures that are of flesh and blood on Billayo. Dragons, fairies, gryphons, shapeshifers, sylphs, all with their own various races and cultures are alive and thriving, including those with their own innate talent that the humans of Earth have forsaken, labeling those with traces of that talent as “witches”. "While humans strangle their world with technology, the Majiki, those with magic in their blood, co-exist with the natural order of Billayo. "No world, however, is perfect. "Even here, prejudices have split the peoples, peace is threatened by the humans and their hatred, and hidden at the edge of the world, an ancient evil watches and waits, compelling those who are easily manipulated. Should the evil become too powerful, it would consume Billayo and move on to other worlds to appease its insatiable appetite. "It would come for Earth. "Demona begins the story of the struggle to save the worlds. A young woman of mixed race, born of both good and evil, contains the key to Billayo’s salvation. Abused, starved, treated like a wild animal, her journey begins in the cell of a human beast. She’s given up all hope of rescue, family, love — until the unthinkable happens. She is freed. Released from unendurable slavery, she has the power to save two worlds. "But first she has to learn how to be human." Due to violence, mature themes, and an attempted rape, this book is not suitable for younger teens. I'd recommend it for mature older teens and adults. As I'm the editor of this book, I can't give you an unbiased review of this excellent and imaginative story. Please note that there was an early Lulu edition of Demona. The book has been entirely rewritten by the author; it is a new story. Book Two is "in progress" and waiting for me to hurry up and finish editing it... (RDJ) |
NEW Lulu paperback edition
Kindle edition
Text-to-Speech enabled Smashwords edition
Katrina Jack
Land of Midnight Days (The Silver Flute Trilogy) (Ages 13+) "What would you do if your life was filled with fear: hide, run away - or would you fight back? "In a city at war with itself, Jeremiah Tully already knows how to survive, now he must learn how to live. Mute from birth, of mixed race heritage and his only possession a charmed flute, Jeremiah tries to discover where his remarkable talent as a musician will take him." |
Alisa Krasnostein (Editor) & Julia Rios (Editor)
Kaleidoscope: Diverse YA Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories (Ages 13+) What do a disabled superhero, a time-traveling Chinese-American figure skater, and a transgender animal shifter have in common? They're all stars of Kaleidoscope stories! Kaleidoscope collects fun, edgy, meditative, and hopeful YA science fiction and fantasy with diverse leads. These twenty original stories tell of scary futures, magical adventures, and the joys and heartbreaks of teenage life. Featuring New York Times bestselling and award winning authors along with newer voices: Garth Nix, Sofia Samatar, William Alexander, Karen Healey, E.C. Myers, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Ken Liu, Vylar Kaftan, Sean Williams, Amal El-Mohtar, Jim C. Hines, Faith Mudge, John Chu, Alena McNamara, Tim Susman, Gabriela Lee, Dirk Flinthart, Holly Kench, Sean Eads, and Shveta Thakrar |
Rebecca McFarland Kyle
Fanny & Dice (Ages 15+) "I’m leaving Hell for good, Eurydice…” When she heard those words, Eurydice had a choice: remain in Hades’ realm or escape to Earth with her kinswoman, Persephone. She knew the Earth wasn’t what they’d left. Demeter hadn’t summoned Persephone to bring Spring for quite some time…and the last dead crossed the River Styx many years before. She hadn’t expected to arrive in a world where trains rode across the prairie on metal tracks instead of chariots and men settled disputes with six guns instead of swords. Eurydice will face perils both immortal and mortal, from gun and axe to her own heart…" Greek mythology meets the old West -- fans of Weird Westerns will love this!! Parental warning: Hints of prostitution and a hanging. I was gifted a copy of this wonderful little book and oh-my-gosh, it was GREAT! Quirky maybe, well, yeah -- but a fascinating and fun read. I wouldn't have any problem allowing a teen to read this book; Greek mythology is far more explicit than anything in this story. |
Kevin Lee
TRIO - Book One H*E*R*O*E*S (Ages 12+) "What if someone came along and offered you a chance to take the 'road less travelled', the chance to live a dream? It began as a day no different than any other. Three men are brought together by circumstances that will forever change their lives. Each one are from a different walk of life but become connected through one particular event and little did they know that their day was about to be a whole lot different. A strange man arrives, claiming to be a wizard, talking of magic and of a different world. He offers the three 'an offer you will find very hard to refuse'. What they discover is a world where magic thrives! Where races thought to be of folklore and one's imagination are actually real! It is a world threatened by a witch bent on vengeance! The three are asked to help in a quest for three stones, which, when united can provide the power to stop the approaching darkness. Fighting their own disbelief's, the witch's minions, and even those they are asked to lead, the three need to find a way to overcome them all and in doing so, perhaps prove not only to those who have asked for their help, but to themselves that they are the 'heroes' this strange world has been looking for. With a little luck, they might even show that there is a little bit of 'hero' in all of them." TRIO - Book Two: Dark Dragon's Dawn (Ages 12+) "What if someone came along and offered you the chance to 'take the road less traveled', the chance to live a dream? Such was the case for Neil Baxter, Zach Thomas and Tony Merello in Book One of the TRIO series, Heroes. Now the story continues in Book Two: Dark Dragon's Dawn. Helana has been banished, and peace has returned to the new world of Avalon. A royal wedding is about to take place as Neil and the princess Tasha are to be wed and hence become the new King and Queen, beginning a new chapter in Avalon's Monarchy! However, Helana had an apprentice, a young lady who has her own agenda for the throne of Avalon. Her plot involves the alliance with another race, Dragons, and to use them to assist in her quest for the throne. She hopes to acquire the aid of one particular dragon, The Dark Dragon, once a creature of destruction, now a statue of stone. It can only be freed with a long forgotten spell and used only once before in its entrapment. A rare eclipse is about to occur, and it can provide the necessary energy to make the spell work and Helana's former apprentice is counting on the wizard Malcolm to use the same eclipse to achieve his own agenda. For if he does, then the door is opened for her. A magic forgotten is invoked A dark malevolent force is freed The purest of magic's is hunted And a friend returns... As shadow spreads over the land it is time to Return to the Adventure and Return to the Magic." TRIO - Book Three: Ascension (Ages 12+) "What if someone came along and offered you a chance to take the road less traveled? A chance to live a dream? That was the case for Neil Baxter, Zach Thomas and Tony Merello in TRIO Book One. A strange man showed up one day and offered them exactly that, a chance to help and begin anew on a strange world where magic thrives and all creatures of myth and magic do exist. The adventure continues in Book Three: Ascension as Neil, now crowned King with Tasha as his Queen, has begun a new era of the monarchy on the world of Avalon. In the six months that have passed since the destruction of the Dark Dragon they are making every effort to bring the races of the world together. The wizard Malcolm, while investigating regions in the south, discovers an abominable evil on the verge of escape and after his return to Kildare Castle an old nemesis re-emerges with a legion of demons at her command and threatens to conquer not only Avalon but to cross over to the 'old world' and annihilate 'all who refuse to bow down to her'. The Trio is once again separated to fulfill different quests to fend off the approaching demon storm bent on destroying everything in their path in their desire to subjugate the world of Avalon. All the races join forces against the oppression of a witch gone mad and all the powers of darkness at her disposal. Amidst it all, a mythical wizard of lore and bedtime stories joins in the battle to save not only one world but two! New alliances are forged, legends become reality, and destinies will be determined. All will not be as it was before. The War of Magic's is about to commence." |
Ursula LeGuin
The Earthsea Cycle - A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore, Tehanu, Tales from Earthsea, and The Other Wind (Ages 15+) The peoples of LeGuin's fantasy world are red-brown, black and white. Unlike the television mini-series which, like most television and movie adaptations, mangled her books, her characters are multi-cultural and multi-racial young people. A Wizard of Earthsea "Ged was the greatest sorcerer in all Earthsea, but once he was called Sparrowhawk, a reckless youth, hungry for power and knowledge, who tampered with long-held secrets and loosed a terrible shadow upon the world. This is the tale of his testing, how he mastered the mighty words of power, tamed an ancient dragon, and crossed death's threshold to restore the balance." The Tombs of Atuan "When young Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless Powers of the Earth, everything is taken away -- home, family, possessions, even her name. For she is now Arha, the Eaten One, guardian of the ominous Tombs of Atuan. While she is learning her way through the dark labyrinth, a young wizard, Ged, comes to steal the Tombs' greatest hidden treasure, the Ring of Erreth-Akbe. But Ged also brings with him the light of magic, and together, he and Tenar escape from the darkness that has become her domain." The Farthest Shore "Darkness threatens to overtake Earthsea. As the world and its wizards are losing their magic, Ged -- powerful Archmage, wizard, and dragonlord -- embarks on a sailing journey with highborn young prince, Arren. They travel far beyond the realm of death to discover the cause of these evil disturbances and to restore magic to a land desperately thirsty for it." Tehanu "Years ago, they had escaped together from the sinister Tombs of Atuan -- she, an isolated young priestess; he, a powerful wizard. Now she is a farmer's widow, having chosen for herself the simple pleasures of an ordinary life. And he is a broken old man, mourning the powers lost to him through no choice of his own. Once, when they were young, they helped each other at a time of darkness and danger and shared an adventure like no other. Now they must join forces again, to help another in need -- the physically and emotionally scarred child whose own destiny has yet to be revealed." Tales from Earthsea "Five stories of Ursula K. Le Guin's world-renowned realm of Earthsea are collected in one volume. Featuring two classic stories, two original tales, and a brand-new novella, as well as new maps and a special essay on Earthsea's history, languages, literature, and magic." The Other Wind "The sorcerer Alder has the power of mending, but it may have become the power of destruction: every night he dreams of the wall between the land of the living and the land of the dead, and the wall is being dismantled. If the wall is breached, the dead will invade Earthsea. Ged, once Archmage of Earthsea, sends Alder to King Lebannen. Now Alder and the king must join with a burned woman, a wizard of forbidden lore, and a being who is woman and dragon both, in an impossible quest to save Earthsea." ---------- Left Hand of Darkness "A groundbreaking work of science fiction, The Left Hand of Darkness tells the story of a lone human emissary to Winter, an alien world whose inhabitants can change their gender. His goal is to facilitate Winter's inclusion in a growing intergalactic civilization. But to do so he must bridge the gulf between his own views and those of the completely dissimilar culture that he encounters. Embracing the aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion on an alien world, The Left Hand of Darkness stands as a landmark achievement in the annals of intellectual science fiction." |
Neal Litherland
Crier's Knife (Ages 15+) "In the dark heart of a sweltering summer night, alone and shivering, a young man whispers an incantation. Leagues and miles away, in a creaky cottage atop a mountain, a silver mirror breaks in the night. A woman in white rolls scrimshaw knuckle bones by the light of black candles, frowning at their message before she sends for her grandson. "Dirk Crier is no stranger to being summoned up the mountain, and this is far from the first time he’s been sent to bring his cousin Teller home when he’s gone too far astray. This time is different, though. This time a shadow looms over the end of the path; a nameless threat, asleep for now, but coming closer to waking with every passing day. He will need to be swift if he wants to bring them both back to the slopes of Ben Morgh. "And if he isn’t quick enough to save his cousin, Dirk will show those responsible why the folk around the mountain say only a dead man crosses a Crier." In a word, this book is amazing. Think of the Sackett tales of Louis L'Amour mixed with a swirl of southern Gothic and Lovecraftian horror (without the racism). Some violence and blood, but nothing a teen can't handle. Implications/mentions of sex, but nothing explicit. While the main character is white, I'm putting this in Mixed because there's a mixed cast of characters included in the book and it's my understanding that there will be more books featuring diverse members of the Crier clan. RDJ |
Lia London
Magian High (Ages 13+) "The Punkers moved towards us, and Amity and I were forced to back down the steps. When we reached the bottom, they formed a ring around us, all flying just a few inches above the ground. With their shoulders almost touching, they locked us in and began to rotate slowly around us, like a hovering wheel of stupid. Except that they all either had Water Balls or flaming thumbs. We’re not supposed to use any magic on campus except Flash Jumping to get to outbuildings for classes, but I knew no one would really see what they were doing. Amity and I found ourselves back-to-back like the trapped heroes in the movies always do, except that I knew we didn’t have any awesome moves to bust out with." From an Amazon review- "What if the schools in your town were completely segregated--by ability. Imagine one school for the brainiacs, one for kids learning trades, one for those strange kids with magic, and a power structure that is threatened by change. Kincaid, a teenaged 'mage,' give us the 'and then what' story that follows his controversial but successful campaign to desegregate the city's schools. Perhaps he's bitten off more than he can chew?" Added 6-4-2013 (Mixed cast of characters) |
Kindle edition
Text-to-Speech enabled |
Justin Martin - R-Squared Comicz
Przemyslaw R. Dedelis - Artist/Letterer & Lya - Colorist Light Weightz - The Anthology Part One - Graphic Novel (10+) "Who are the Lightweightz? "The Lightweightz are a group of teenagers who discover that they have unique abilities. A diverse group of individuals, they will each experience and deal with their abilities in different ways. Each of the abilities will be interpersonal in nature, and the comic will be based on Christian principles, principles that as people help us better relate to each other. "The debut of R-Squared Comicz and the official launch of the Lightweightz universe has arrived! In the first part of this two-part anthology, meet Solomon, Grace, Abaddon, and Kayin. Coming from diverse backgrounds, each of these teens must come to terms with their newly-discovered abilities, and do so in a world that now looks different through the lense of those abilities. Featuring introductory stories for each of the Lightweightz plus additional artwork from a variety of talented artists, Lightweightz: The Anthology Part One has something for everyone!" I like this. The art is very cool, well drawn and evocative of each character. The teens are all facing personal crisis and angst. The introductory sketch of each teen gives us just enough to know that they're going through it, but there's more going on than it appears to the outside world. There's a message of Faith, but the author doesn't beat you over the head with it, it's a natural part of their lives. I'm eager to see what happens in the next volumes. I highly recommend this series, especially for teens and adults of Faith. Unlike most comics (even the ones I like), there are no inappropriate or disrespectful images or concepts. (RDJ) *Purchasing note: Upon purchase, you will be sent an e-mail with the link to download the comic in PDF format. Lightweightz: The Anthology Part Two (Ages 10+) "The follow-up to Lightweightz: The Anthology Part One is here! Inspired by 1 Corinthians 12:7 ('Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good'), Lightweightz: The Anthology Part Two introduces the remaining four California teenagers, their abilities, and how they are struggling to make sense of them. Join Ayden the pusher, Qasim the revealer, Emi the adapter, and Gabriel the inscriber as they begin carving out paths that will forever change their lives. With four unique stories providing a closer look into the Lightweightz universe, plus tons of bonus art, Lightweightz: The Anthology Part Two has something for everyone!" *Purchasing note: Upon purchase, you will be sent an e-mail with the link to download the comic in PDF format. |
Graphic Novel
Graphic Novel
Cerece Rennie Murphy
Order of the Seers (Ages 18+) "Order of the Seers poses this question within a story that fuses action, mystery, romance, and adventure in a science fiction novel that keeps you at the edge of your seat. "Order of the Seers begins with the journey of Liam and Lilith Knight, a brother and sister who are hunted by The Guild, a ruthless world organization that seeks to capture and exploit Lilith’s unique ability as a Seer to envision the future. Soon after they are forced to leave their home, Lilith and Liam discover that she is not alone. Other Seers like Lilith are routinely kidnapped and enslaved by the Guild for the purpose of consolidating wealth and power around the world. "But from within the organization, Marcus Akida, a captured Seer with powerful visioning capabilities, quietly plots his daring escape with the help of a beautiful and tortured Seer named Alessandra. When the escaped Seers are drawn to the same remote commune in Iowa as Liam and Lilith, they each find a place where they can rebuild their lives and rediscover their passion for life and love. As the Guild’s efforts to find them intensifies, the Seers ban together with outlaws from the commune to fight back against the organization that threatens their lives – setting off a chain of events that will unleash the full power of the Seers and change everything we know about the true potential that lies dormant in each of us." Due to strong language and some sexual content, the author has recommended this book for readers 18 and older. |
Vera Nazarian
Cobweb Bride (Ages 16+) "Many are called... She alone can save the world and become Death's bride. COBWEB BRIDE (Cobweb Bride Trilogy, Book One) is a history-flavored fantasy novel with romantic elements of the Persephone myth, about Death's ultimatum to the world. "What if you killed someone and then fell in love with them? "In an alternate Renaissance world, somewhere in an imaginary "pocket" of Europe called the Kingdom of Lethe, Death comes, in the form of a grim Spaniard, to claim his Bride. Until she is found, in a single time-stopping moment all dying stops. There is no relief for the mortally wounded and the terminally ill.... "Covered in white cobwebs of a thousand snow spiders she lies in the darkness... Her skin is cold as snow... Her eyes, frozen... Her gaze, fiercely alive... "While kings and emperors send expeditions to search for a suitable Bride for Death, armies of the undead wage an endless war... A black knight roams the forest at the command of his undead father... Spies and political treacheries abound at the imperial Silver Court.... Murdered lovers find themselves locked in the realm of the living... "Look closer -- through the cobweb filaments of her hair and along each strand shine stars... "And one small village girl, Percy -- an unwanted, ungainly middle daughter -- is faced with the responsibility of granting her dying grandmother the desperate release she needs. As a result, Percy joins the crowds of other young women of the land in a desperate quest to Death's own mysterious holding in the deepest forests of the North... "And everyone is trying to stop her." I placed the Cobweb Bride trilogy as 16+ not only because the topic matter (death) but because Vera's writing is in a classic style, slower paced than the average modern novel. But if you're tired of shallow, trite, quick reads, this IS the book for you or an older teen. Cobweb Empire (Ages 16+) "In a world where no one can die, she alone can kill... "COBWEB EMPIRE (Cobweb Bride Trilogy, Book Two) is the second book of the intricate epic fantasy flavored by Renaissance history and the romantic myth of Persephone, about death's ultimatum to the world. "Now that she's Death's Champion, what will Percy do? In a world where all death and dying has ceased, and only one person can kill, everyone can only expect a miracle. But what if it's just the tip of the iceberg? "Percy Ayren must make her way south, despite all odds, to the place where the death shadow of the Cobweb Bride calls her. With the help of her companions and the invincible black knight, Lord Beltain Chidair whose enigmatic presence disturbs her in a way she cannot explain, Percy must continue her quest, while the mortal world falls apart around them.... "Meanwhile, the Marquis Vlau Fiomarre faces the truth of his impossible feelings for Claere Liguon, the Emperor's daughter. He had cruelly taken her life, and now he must serve her until his last dying breath--it is no longer a matter of honor but secret passion. "And now, the world itself is changing.... A new dark witch rises, and she will make your heart freeze with her beauty and power.... "Empires clash, kings and emperors and gods vie for supremacy, the living and the dead are at war, while love stories play out in amazing directions, and new mind-blowing mysteries are born." Cobweb Forest (Ages 16+) "The world is broken... A dark Goddess rises. A mortal maiden must stop her. "COBWEB FOREST (Cobweb Bride Trilogy, Book Three) is the third and final book of the intricate epic fantasy flavored by Renaissance history and the romantic myth of Persephone, about death's ultimatum to the world. "Percy Ayren, ordinary girl from the small village of Oarclaven, and now Death's Champion, has delivered the Cobweb Bride to Lord Death--or so she thinks! But nothing is ever as easy as it seems. Percy and Beltain Chidair, the valiant and honorable Black Knight, discover that even more is at stake than anyone could have imagined, when ancient gods enter the fray. It is now a season of winter darkness. Gods rise and walk the earth in unrelieved desire, and the Longest Night is without end... "Meanwhile, landmarks continue to disappear throughout the realm. The cruel Sovereign's dead armies of the Trovadii clad in the colors of pomegranate and blood march north... As the mad Duke Hoarfrost continues to lay siege to the city of Letheburg, it is up to Claere Liguon, the Emperor's dead daughter and the passionate Vlau Fiomarre who killed her, to take a stand against the enemy. "But Percy still has a difficult task to do, the greatest task of all... For in the end the Cobweb Bride awaits, together with the final answer. At last all the occult mysteries are revealed in this stunning conclusion to the Cobweb Bride trilogy." --------- Dreams of the Compass Rose (Ages 13+) "The world is shaped by two things — stories told and the memories they leave behind. "The Compass Rose universe -- an ancient milieu where places have no names, cities spring forth like bouquets in the desert, gods and dreams walk the scorching sands in the South, ice floats like mirror shards upon the Northern sea, islands that do not exist are found in the East, death chases a thief on the rooftops of a Western city, immortal love spans time, and directions are intertwined into one road we all travel.... "You come to this place when you wonder, and sometimes, only when you dream. "What is the nature of evil? "When a young warrior of a dark race finds himself bound in servitude to a beautiful cruel princess, his loyalty becomes entwined with something more horrifying and mysterious than endless night falling over the ancient desert. "When a courageous young servant reveals her hidden wisdom to the madman conqueror of the world, her fate is joined to a nightmare suspended beyond death and outside the universe. "Two souls from different times -- their destinies connected through hundreds of other lives and generations, through soft whispers of the wind, through ancient truths that lie buried in an island between worlds. "Both souls enslaved through dream and desire in an endless conflict between truth and illusion. They can only be set free by the wonder of the Compass Rose." --------- Mayhem at Grant-Williams High (Ages 13+) "Think your high school experience was Hell? Vampires, werewolves, mummies, ghouls... and moron idiot students. Welcome to Grant-Williams High." --- Includes Two Adventures in One Volume --- HELL WEEK AT GRANT-WILLIAMS HIGH (Grant-Williams High: 1st Adventure) "If you love kickass high school monster mayhem, then Grant-Williams High is the place to be. In this hilarious original adventure that started it all, freshman Jimmy Ross and his senior sister Emily, together with all of their friends, fight to survive finals -- also known as Hell Week -- since all the faculty and staff turn into monsters that week, literally. Armed with their wits, Supernatural Protection kits, and plain dumb luck, the students battle vampires, werewolves, and various ghouls -- an army or evil under the command of the Principal who this year is none other than the Prince of Lies Himself. First in the 'Grant-Williams High' comic horror adventure series of connected works." HALLOWEEN AT GRANT-WILLIAMS HIGH: (Grant-Williams High: 2nd Adventure) "It's Halloween, and kickass high school monster mayhem is once again unleashed at Grant-Williams High. In the second adventure, Jimmy Ross is now a sophomore and he is about to get a taste of the scariest and wildest Halloween of his life. Emily has graduated and gone to college, Jimmy's best friend Theo is hanging with the bad crowd, there's a new girl in school who's the butt of everyone's jokes, and something really stinks on the Grant-Williams school premises -- stinks literally. At midnight on Halloween, Jimmy and the gang will find out exactly what it is (not curry!), and that possibly it's an evil that's even greater than Satan. Second in the 'Grant-Williams High' comic horror adventure series of connected works, and sequel to 'Hell Week at Grant-Williams High'." ---------- Qualify - The Atlantis Grail - Book One (Ages 13+) "The year is 2047. An extinction-level asteroid is hurtling toward earth, and the descendents of ancient Atlantis have returned from the stars in their silver ships to offer humanity help. "But there's a catch. "They can only take ten percent of the Earth's population back to the colony planet Atlantis. And in order to be chosen, you must be a teen, you must be bright, talented, and athletic, and you must Qualify. Sixteen-year-old Gwenevere Lark is determined to Qualify and to rescue her entire family. "Because there's a loophole. "If you are good enough to Qualify, you are eligible to compete in the brutal games of the Atlantis Grail, which grants all winners the laurels, high tech luxuries, and full privileges of Atlantis Citizenship. And if you are in the Top Ten, then all your wildest wishes are granted… Such as curing your mother's cancer. "There is only one problem. "Gwen Lark is a klutz and a nerd. While she's a hotshot in classics, history, science, and languages, the closest she's come to sports is a backyard pool and a skateboard. This time she is in over her head, and in for a fight of her life, against impossible odds and world-class competition. Because every other teen on Earth has the same idea. "You Qualify or you die." Compete - The Atlantis Grail - Book Two (Ages 13+) "It's one thing to Qualify... But do you have what it takes to Compete?"With Earth about to be destroyed by an extinction level asteroid, teenage nerd, geek, and awkward smart girl Gwen Lark, and a few of her friends and loved ones, barely Qualified for rescue onboard one of the thousands of ark-ships headed to the ancient colony planet Atlantis. "Now faced with a year-long journey in space, life in a wondrously alien environment, and many tough life choices, Gwen must decide who or what she will become. Fleet Cadet or Civilian? Friend or lover? Average or extraordinary? "Can she make new friends? Can she trust the old ones, such as Logan Sangre, her sexy high school crush and an Earth special operative? "Time and time again, Gwen's uncanny ability to come up with the best answer in a crisis saves her life and others. And now, her unique Logos voice makes her an extremely valuable commodity to the Atlanteans -- so much so that her enigmatic commanding officer Aeson Kassiopei, who is also the Imperial Prince of Atlantis, has taken an increasingly personal interest in her. "Before the end of the journey, Gwen must convince him that she has what it takes to compete in the deadly Games of the Atlantis Grail. "It's becoming apparent -- the life of her family and all of Earth depends on it." Win (The Atlantis Grail Book 3) The Games are Forever! I"t’s one thing to Qualify and Compete… Now she must Win. "Gwen Lark, nerd, geek, and awkward smart girl, is among the lucky ones. She’s one of several million teenage refugees to escape the extinction-level asteroid barreling towards Earth and reach the ancient colony planet of Atlantis. "But Atlantis is a strange new world with higher gravity and a blazing white sun, where nothing is as expected. The new arrivals from Earth will now belong to the majority class of non-citizens who face a lifetime of hard work and limited rights. "To make matters worse, Gwen’s rare and powerful talent, her Logos voice, is viewed as a potential weapon to be exploited by the Imperator, as well as a threat to the Kassiopei Imperial Dynasty and its uncompromising control over the people of Atlantis. "A last-minute heartbreak prior to arrival turns to joy, when Gwen receives a declaration of love from an unexpected source. The Wedding date is set, but before she can be joined with her true love, she is forced to compete in the brutal and deadly Games of the Atlantis Grail to save herself, her family, friends, and everything she cares about. Once again, her intelligence, quick thinking skills, resilience, and creativity are challenged to the breaking point. "The Games are monumental, intricate, lethal . . . and the Games are Forever. "This time Gwen must fight and figure her way through the most difficult and sophisticated contest she has ever faced. Terrifying Ordeals and impossible Challenges, ruthless skilled Competitors, vicious secret assassins, and dubious teammates she must work with but cannot trust, are just the beginning.... "Meanwhile, as the Games rage, the fate of two worlds is at stake as a new alien threat looms over Earth and Atlantis. "But Gwen Lark has a secret weapon of her own. It’s not her Logos voice and its untapped power to control orichalcum technology and perpetuate change. "It is Gwen herself." Survive (The Atlantis Grail Book 4) The End is Here, in a Fiery Cosmic Apocalypse! "Gwen Lark knows how to Qualify, Compete, and Win... The time has come to Survive. "The Games of the Atlantis Grail have come to a ground-shaking halt and Gwen Lark, nerd, geek, and awkward smart girl, survived the remarkable ordeal, for the time being. "But the worst is yet to come! "Now, both the colony planet Atlantis and Earth are under a threat of annihilation, and everything is up in the air, including dire and stunning wonders in the Atlantean skies. "Will there be a Wedding? Will there be a future for Gwen Lark, her beloved, and all their families, friends, and loved ones? Is Gwen’s rare and powerful talent, the Logos voice of creation, enough to resolve the greatest mystery of the Kassiopei Imperial Dynasty and its role in the events of deepest antiquity since the dawn of time? "The fate of the entire human species is at stake, and now there can be no respite, not a moment to lose. The final battle is here, and Gwen, and everyone she knows and loves, are in for the greatest fight of their lives. "It is time to survive." SURVIVE is the fourth and final book in The Atlantis Grail series, now an international cross-genre phenomenon, optioned for film. |
Kindle edition of Cobweb Bride is free! ----------
Kindle edition
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Kindle edition of Qualify is free! |
Andre Norton
Dragon Magic (Grades 4+ / Ages 10+) "A Hidden Treasure "Sig, Artie, Kim, and Ras live in the same neighborhood and go to the same school, but they have nothing in common…until each of them sneaks into the old abandoned house on the corner and discovers the strange puzzle box covered with pictures of four dragons. Drawn by powerful magic, the boys find themselves bound together by a mystery that will transform them all--and transport them into worlds that are populated by heroes and dragons of lore…." Note, for some reason the publisher decided that several Norton books with "Magic" in the title are part of a set. Except for Dragon Magic and Dragon Mage, these are stand-alone stories. Dragon Mage Written with Jean Rabe (Grades 4+ / Ages 10+) "Shy realizes that she is lucky to be taken in by her grandparents after her father dies–but life above an antique store in Slade’s Corners, Wisconsin is not exactly the place a teenage girl wants to be. One day while going through boxes of her father’s boyhood stuff, she comes upon a rare old set of dragon puzzles … all of which are missing pieces. Her grandmother recalls the fantastic tales Shy's father would tell about his travels to lands of dragons and adventure. She always thought that these fantasies were inspired by the puzzles Shy has found. Shy realizes that by mixing and matching the different sets she can complete a single dragon puzzle that combines all of the others. Upon doing so she is whisked away to ancient Babylon where she must continue the duties of her father’s legacy as a servant to the dragon and a savior of the world." ---------- Fur Magic (Grades 4+ / Ages 10+) "Enter a world of ancient magic "When his father is called to active duty in Vietnam, Cory Alder is sent to spend the summer with his adopted Native American uncle, Jasper. Accustomed to life in the city, Cory finds the reality of the ranch scary--every shadow is full of menace. But when an encounter with a medicine man catapults Cory into a world of Native American legend, conquering his fears becomes a matter of survival. Transformed into a beaver called Yellow Shell, Cory is now part of a war between the People, animals whose intelligence equals that of humans. In order to return home, Cory must help Yellow Shell and his allies defeat the Changer, who is attempting to enslave the People in this world--and in Cory's world as well. With two worlds hanging in the balance, Cory will have to use every ounce of courage and animal instinct within him to defeat this enemy . . ." |
The Solar Queen series: Sargasso of Space, Plague Ship, Voodoo Planet, Postmarked the Stars, Redline the Stars, Derelict for Trade, and A Mind for Trade (Ages 13+) Note that Norton books are safe for all ages. No sex and violence only in the context of the story, her imaginative and glorious sci-fi/space operas and fantasy stories are classics in the genre. The Solar Queen Includes the first two volumes of the series: Sargasso of Space and Plague Ship. Dane Thorson, aka "Viking," joins the Free Trader ship, the Solar Queen, and its crew. With Captain Jellico, apprentices Ali (Arabic?) and Rip (Black), and the rest of a diverse crew, they blast off for adventure to Limbo -- a Sargasso of space. Plague Ship continues the Solar Queen saga, taking the ship to a newly discovered planet, Sargol, and trade with the cat-like Salarki. But something goes terribly wrong and it's up to the apprentices to solve the mystery and save the Solar Queen and her crew. (RDJ) Voodoo Planet The third book in the Solar Queen series, Voodoo Planet is set on a planet settled by African settlers who escaped Earth on a spaceship stolen from their captors. The evolution of their African culture and the adaptations to a new planet as well as a mystery of magic wound through a science fiction tale is fascinating. Unfortunately, there are some stereotypical images of the noble savage with fearful reactions to what appears to be magic, so take it into account as you read the story. Voodoo Planet is bound with a second short novel, Star Hunter. (RDJ) The Kindle edition of Voodoo Planet includes a random selection of 13 novels and short stories by Norton. Unfortunately, the selected books are in random order, including books from several different Norton series. Included are: The Gifts of Asti, All Cats are Gray, Key Out of Time, Plague Ship, Ralestone Luck, Star Born, Star Hunter, Storm Over Warlock, The Defiant Agents, The Time Traders, Voodoo Planet, Rebel Spurs, and Ride Proud, Rebel Postmarked the Stars The crew of the Solar Queen on a mail run, trying to mind their own business. When Dane nearly misses the ship and they find a dead stranger in his bunk, the new adventure begins. (RDJ) Redline the Stars (written with P.M. Griffin) This revisiting of the Solar Queen series adds the mysterious Rael Cofort, half sister to a competing Free Trader and only half human. Sensitive, smart and beautiful, can they trust her as they race to save the city of Canuche of Halios? (While this is a good book, it's not the same as the previous four, which were all written from Dane's point of view. I miss Norton's sure hand at exciting sci-fi/space opera.) (RDJ) Derelict for Trade (written with Sherwood Smith) The second new book in the continuing saga of the Solar Queen and her crew finds them on the outer edges of human civilization. Nearly running into a derelict ship when snapping out of transit, the Solar Queen has to solve the mystery of the ship while navagating the strange customs of aliens on a giant space habitat. Better than Redline the Stars, much of the book is told from either Dane or Rael's point of view. (RDJ) A Mind for Trade (written with Sherwood Smith) Continues the Solar Queen story. Blasting off to an uninhabited planet, there's plenty of adventure with pirates, marooned Free Traders and aliens fighting against a planet's extinction. Not really a Norton, but a pretty good read anyway. (RDJ) ---------- The Time Traders Series The Time Traders Galactic Derelict The Defiant Agents Key Out of Time In the fourth book of the Time Traders series, Ross Murdock and Arthur Ashe have traveled to the uninhabited ocean world of Hawaika. Accidentally traveling into Hawaika's past along with Polynesian settler Karara and her two trained dolphins, Tino-rau and Taua, they discover that the alien “Baldies” destroyed the original inhabitants and their civilization. With the help of three strange women of a highly advanced race, the last of their kind, the trio set out to save the Hawaikan civilization. (RDJ) Firehand Echoes in Time Atlantis Endgame |
Kindle edition
Mo O'Hara (Author), Marek Jagucki (Illustrator)
My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish (Ages 7-10 / Grades 2-5) Zapping Frankie the goldfish back to life with a battery was the best thing Tom's ever done. A BIG FAT ZOMBIE GOLDFISH with incredible hypnotic powers is a great pet to have on your side when your big brother is an evil scientist whose plans regularly need to be thwarted. Join Tom and Frankie as they go on incredible adventures involving revenge plots, evil scientist older brothers, a Super Electric Zombie Eel and other paranormal pets! The boxed set includes My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish, The SeaQuel, and Fins of Fury Also placed on the Everybody Else page. |
Kodai Okuda
The Stygian Conspiracy (Nexus Arcana) (Ages 15+) This is hard sci-fi at its best. No long explanations of how it works and not a bit of magic betweeen the pages -- except for the magic of technology wielded by the young Space Marines and their leaders. "Kabuto Tokugawa was no novice when it came to war. He'd fought through his fair share of conflicts in the past, but this one was different. It wasn't about nation against nation or conflicting ideologies. No, his keen instincts told him the secrets held by the alien ships found at Alpha Centauri were the impetus for this new struggle. So dangerous was the information that he was willing to do anything to keep it out of the wrong hands. "Gideon Krieg didn't join the Earth Federal Space Marines to become a hero. He was not sure why he signed up. Maybe it was to impress the girl he was madly in love with, or maybe it was to prove to himself he was worth something. Deeper still, perhaps it was due to the woman that plagued his dreams...sometimes his nightmares. Whatever had drawn him into the war, it did not prepare him for the destiny that lay ahead. "Alphonse Zhukov risked everything: his career, his position, his friends, even his life in order to free his people from the iron-fisted grip of the Solar Empire. "Each man's intentions were different, but collectively their destinies were rapidly intertwining on a path that would change the course of human existence forever and invoke the wrath of The Stygian Conspiracy." |
Paul Purnell
Marcos and the Pharaoh's Curse (Grades 3 to 8 / Ages 8 to 12+) "The Beatrice sank in the Mediterranean Sea two hundred years ago. Lost to the world – until now. Divers are preparing to plunder her treasure unaware that any interference of the unusual contents will trigger a catastrophic event. The terrifying consequences of the divers succeeding are unimaginable. Twelve-year-old Marco and a mermaid, Lois, are the only ones who can prevent the curse from happening. Have they overestimated their abilities? They have 48 hours to journey the treacherous underwater route from Malta to Sardinia to find help and then return. Time is tight, but that’s the least of their problems…" I hightly recommend this adventure/fantasy story to parents and kids. |
Michel Prince
Chrysalis (Ages 15+) "In the annals of dysfunctional families, the Chisholms are working their way to the top. Drug abuse, an unwed mother with multiple fathers, and the questionable cash flow for the 'pretty one'. All this from a seemingly normal, two parent, middle class family. But were the choices truly made of their free will? "Bad choices are a Chisholm family trait, one that confounds the youngest child, Ellie, who's trying to separate herself by making smart decisions. And falling for Oscar Jeffreys, the hottest guy at school, would be number one on the list of Chisholm family disasters. Yet the crazy part is it's not a one-sided attraction. Somehow, Ellie has caught Oscar's eye. Sure, she could see the barriers between them. Race, age, popularity. They were at the opposite ends of the spectrum. But a demon set to destroy her family? She can't see that. "Oscar provides security and acceptance Ellie never imagined she deserved. As the passion of first love grows, Ellie honestly believes she has a chance to beat the odds and live a happy, normal life. Then her world collapses around her. With the help of a guardian angel, Ellie learns of a world that has unknowingly surrounded her for years. And she'll have to find strength buried deep inside to sae not only her future, but flush out and stop the demon in her midst. "And Ellie will have to learn that sometimes the hardest lesson about growing up is accepting that you're worth more." Mature themes and passionate scenes (but no sex) make this paranormal romance inappropriate for young teens. The Beam The sequel to Crystalis, due in October 2012 "When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.-Corinthians 13:11 "There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must put aside their childish ways. In the past year, Ellie Chisholm has fallen into the security of her relationship with Oscar Jeffreys, emerging with a stronger sense of self. For the first time, her mother has started to insert herself into Ellie’s life, treating her as if she were a child even though Ellie has begun to make very adult decisions for her future. Having finally consummated her relationship with Oscar she learns that the powers inside of her stretch further than vaporizing demons. "Maria, the demon bent on revenge, has been reigned in by God. That doesn’t stop her from disrupting and threatening those around Ellie and Oscar. Ellie becomes off balance as Maria switches strategy to destroy Ellie from the outside. This causes the gauntlet to be thrown down. Ellie must now help her family achieve positive change and finally break the tie between her mother and Gaap or risk losing everyone she loves. "Can Ellie maintain her sanity while walking the last steps as a child?" |
Pulpwork Press Anthologies
How the West Was Weird (Ages 13+) This anthology includes stories by Russ Anderson Jr., Derrick Ferguson, Joel Jenkins, Bill Kte'pi, Mike McGee, Ian Mileham, Chris Munn, Barry Reese, Joshua Reynolds, Ian Taylor, Tom Deja "Aztec vampires gorge themselves on a small Mexican village. A masked hero of the 1940s stumbles onto a town that time forgot. A gunslinging exorcist works to save a boy from demonic possession. These are the stories of the American West your history teacher never told you about... because she was scared! Includes nine original tales of the weird, wild west." How the West Was Weird - Volume II (Ages 13+) "The Old West has been invaded! No longer just the home of cattlemen and saloonkeepers and soiled doves, the western now plays host to cannibals, grey aliens, steam-driven robots, ghosts, dinosaurs, and murderous creatures of every kind. "How the West Was Weird, Volume II continues the bestselling series of anthologies from Pulpwork Press, bursting with twenty stories that blend westerns with horror, science-fiction, and fantasy. Featuring the work of Derrick Ferguson, Josh Reynolds, Ron Fortier, Barry Reese, Tommy Hancock, and more of the best names in New Pulp." Author Derrick Ferguson rates these anthologies at PG-13 due to some of the themes and violent scenarios. |
Esther Ruiz - Not Currently Available
Project Titans (Ages 12+)
"What if the world’s greatest conspiracy is that superheroes do exist?
"Three men and two women will discover a secret, kept from the world for decades: Project Titans, an international corporation designed to protect the world, select five men and women with supernatural abilities in order to train and send them to missions aimed to save the world from its greatest enemies.
"This time, they have been chosen."
Proyecto Titanes. Cuando lo imposible sucede. (Spanish Edition) (Años 12+)
"La mente de Anouk se ha convertido en una amenaza: es un arma capaz de levantar objetos enormes sin que su dueña se lo impida; Etienne es capaz de recorrer ciudades en segundos, aún y cuando él no busque huir de nada; Olivia cree que el sentirse invisible se debe a su soledad…hasta que descubre que ciertamente desaparece en el aire; Kenji es capaz de controlar la temperatura de las cosas, pero no puede utilizar su habilidad para proteger a quien más ama, y Marco es incapaz de ser lastimado, a menos que le recuerden su pasado.
"Proyecto Titanes les ofrece una solución a sus problemas, pero ésta no vendrá gratis: a cambio, deberán entregar sus vidas para salvar al mundo."
Project Titans (Ages 12+)
"What if the world’s greatest conspiracy is that superheroes do exist?
"Three men and two women will discover a secret, kept from the world for decades: Project Titans, an international corporation designed to protect the world, select five men and women with supernatural abilities in order to train and send them to missions aimed to save the world from its greatest enemies.
"This time, they have been chosen."
Proyecto Titanes. Cuando lo imposible sucede. (Spanish Edition) (Años 12+)
"La mente de Anouk se ha convertido en una amenaza: es un arma capaz de levantar objetos enormes sin que su dueña se lo impida; Etienne es capaz de recorrer ciudades en segundos, aún y cuando él no busque huir de nada; Olivia cree que el sentirse invisible se debe a su soledad…hasta que descubre que ciertamente desaparece en el aire; Kenji es capaz de controlar la temperatura de las cosas, pero no puede utilizar su habilidad para proteger a quien más ama, y Marco es incapaz de ser lastimado, a menos que le recuerden su pasado.
"Proyecto Titanes les ofrece una solución a sus problemas, pero ésta no vendrá gratis: a cambio, deberán entregar sus vidas para salvar al mundo."
Lynnette Spratley
Memory's Child (Ages 18+) I'm excited to introduce Lynnette Spratley's first novel, set in a distant future where the memory of history, science and the arts are carried by genetically-enhanced individuals, the Preservationists. They live in a dangerous world, peopled by the ignorant Myths who search for those who are "different" and brutally destroy the remnants of the old civilization. Note: Contains very mature themes including vengence, rape and murder. "Shelana is a genius with a lot to learn. A descendant of genetically enhanced humans known as Preservationists, Shelana roams a landscape devoid of civilization in a world that long ago managed to advance itself right back to the Stone Age. Presers have only one lifetask: to pass on to their children the knowledge stored in their enhanced memories so that eventually, when mankind is ready to use it wisely, civilization may be restored. The tragedy that leaves Shelana on her own too soon also sets her on a second path that threatens to end her life before her lifetask is complete. To make matters worse, she faces a constant battle against prejudice directed not at race, religion or means, but at intelligence. Fomenting and spreading this prejudice is the powerful, mysterious and bloodthirsty group known as Myths. Vernon, leader of the Myths, is determined to wipe out the Preservationists and control the redevelopment of civilization. Vernon has made one mistake that may ruin his plans and cost him his life, a mistake the Myth leader doesn't even remember he made. But Shelana does." Available soon in an audio edition!! Phoenix Rising: The Battle Begins (Ages 18+) The sequel to Memory's Child begins with this sneak peek that ties the end of the first book to the upcoming sequel. |
Kindle edition
Text-to-Speech enabled Kindle edition
Text-to-Speech enabled If you don't have a Kindle, all is not lost! Download the FREE Kindle application (at the bottom of this page) to read Kindle books on your home computer! |
Erika M Szabo
Prelude: The Ancestors’ Secrets Trilogy, Book 1 (Ages 16+) "Book one of The Ancestors’ Secrets, a magical realism, alternate reality, fantasy trilogy. When a young doctor, Ilona, starts to develop unusual powers, her life and her beliefs change. Thrown into a world of clan mysteries, traditions and secrets, she begins remembering her mother’s instructions concealed as rhymes. Punished by the ancestors long ago, Mora has waited centuries for the chance to reunite with her beloved Joland. Now, she seeks to gain the power to rule the ancient clan with a strict hierarchy and deadly laws that still exist hidden among us. Ilona has been chosen by the ancestors to stop Mora and save the future of the clan. Her birthright as a Healer runs alongside her desires as a woman. She has been in love with her best friend but is also drawn to the stranger who appears in her peculiar dream. Ilona must save herself and her family from Mora’s evil plans, uncover ancient tribal secrets, and find her Destiny Box… the box that contains the message of the Ancestors. Does she have the strength to fight evil?" EDITORIAL REVIEW: "I was very pleased to read this Fantasy novel because it is much more aligned to my taste in such books, namely real people living in our world, but gifted with special ‘magical’ powers. The first sentences already grabbed my fascination, and the easy flow of the entire book continually held my interest and curiosity. The author has skillfully let the main characters talk in the form of diary entries, and with natural dialogue and careful descriptions of thoughts and feelings, the reader soon feels intimately acquainted with them. Particularly interesting is the fact that many aspects of this story are based on fact and history, namely the Huns who lived in Eastern Europe some 1500 years ago. It is therefore not too hard to believe that ancient traditions and secret rites could have continued down to our time. The main character, Ilona, is a young doctor educated in the modern world who at first struggles to comprehend the depth and power of her heritage when she ‘becomes of age’ at 29. Fascinating and fun to read is the way she discovers her special healing abilities and in particular, the way she can slow time around her. Even more intriguing is her handsome love interest, Zoltan, who can time-travel, but always within limitations and ancient law. This first book in the series has been cleverly woven with various threads that continue into future books, and needless to say, I can hardly wait to read the next book and find out which man is Ilona’s true love, what her ultimate great destiny is, and what menace is still pursuing her with evil intentions. This is a book I can recommend to anyone interested in this kind of historic fantasy involving ancient traditions and down-to-earth characters of our own world." ~ Barbara Underwood Note to parents: There are two appropriately placed F-bombs and three tasteful sex scenes that I would not hesitate to allow a teen to read. Turmoil: The Ancestors’ Secrets Trilogy, Book 2 (Ages 16+) "Book two of The Ancestors’ Secrets, a magical realism, alternate reality fantasy trilogy. After her twenty-ninth birthday, Ilona’s life was turned upside down. She learned more about her ancestry and herself in three days than in her entire life. Mora sends a man to destroy Ilona. His hateful, cold stare sends icy chills down the spines of all who see him. Ilona is no different. She feels a foreboding of evil and senses a dark force commanding him to destroy her. Ilona loves both her best friend and the stranger in her dreams, but which one is her true love? In her quest to protect her family and the future of the clan, Ilona must activate her Chameleon side to obtain unimaginable powers. She can use her powers for absolute good or absolute evil; the choice is up to her. Does she have the strength to fight evil? Can she keep her sanity when discovering her magical abilities?" EDITORIAL REVIEW "In this wonderfully different novel, Erika M. Szabo introduces readers to a fascinating world of ancient rights conducted by a secret order. a fast-paced story where magic collides with reality and creates a fascinating tale. Meet Ilona, a young doctor, who lost her parents at an early age. Ilona struggles without the support of her mother, to learn the wisdom and secrets of the society in which she is a member. She will have to understand the traditions and rules of her Hun ancestors as she slowly recognizes the powers she has inherited from them. Her life is further complicated when she meets a handsome doctor, who seems to be accompanied by an evil presence that she cannot comprehend, and which may threaten her powers and her life. The choices she makes, and the people she meets, drive this mysterious and magical tale forward. Erika M. Szabo has much to offer in this most unusual story. Her characters are well developed, and the plot line is extraordinarily different. I was fascinated by some of the Hun traditions and history scattered throughout the book. I am sure readers will look forward to the next installment of Ms. Szabo's series." ~ J.E. Rogers, Author Destiny: The Ancestors’ Secrets Trilogy, Book 3 (Ages 16+) "Book three of The Ancestors’ Secrets, a magical realism, alternate reality fantasy trilogy. Ilona is a doctor and heals people, but the healing powers she inherited and the magical abilities she obtains are exciting as well as frightening. Mora desperately fights to stop Ilona from fulfilling her destiny and saving the clan’s future. But the evil Mora won’t give up her plan of changing the future and to gain power. In the final book of The Ancestors’ Secrets Trilogy, Ilona travels through time from the early years when her people were nomads, to the castles of the 14th century, to present day as she struggles to overcome the obstacles placed in her path. She finds the Destiny Box that contains the messages of the ancestors. Will Ilona accept her destiny? Can she find true love? Will she use her unimaginable powers for good or evil?" EDITORIAL REVIEW "It was a really unique fantasy read for me. As a fellow person who would define herself as very logical, I found Ilona to be a very relatable character. It was extra magical for me when everything she thought she understood about the world started to turn upside down because I felt like it could have been myself. I really enjoyed the mysterious ancestral aspects of the story—Ilona was already a doctor but it would seem that she was always destined to be a healer regardless. Although I’ve read a lot of fantasy, romances is a pretty new genre for me and I wasn’t sure what to expect. But it turns out Szabo does a great job of blending the two so that the story is catered to a wide range of readers. Ilona’s love interests are more complicated than anything else, which I found refreshing and realistic." ~ Jade Dason |
Erika M Szabo and Joe Bonadonna
Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin: Creepy Hollow Adventures 1 (Grades 1 - 6 / Ages 6 to 12+) Golden Book Award Winner "Spooky and funny, a heroic fantasy adventure for middle-grade children. Nikki and her impish cousin, Jack, find a mysterious black pumpkin in the forest on Halloween. A wise talking skeleton, Wishbone, tells them that the ghosts of the Trinity of Wishmothers are trapped inside the pumpkin and can’t be freed without their wands. The children offer their help, so the skeleton takes them on a journey to the world of Creepy Hollow to retrieve the three wands he hid long ago in Red Crow Forest, the Tower of Shadows, and the Cave of Spooks. Ghoulina, the beautiful vegetarian ghoul, and Catman, who was once a man, join them on their quest. They must face danger and conquer evil every step of the way as they search for the Wands before the wicked Hobgoblin and his henchman, a Tasmanian Devil, can get their hands on them. This is a fun, humorous and touching story for kids, with plenty of character interaction woven into a backdrop of scary danger, heroic action and lessons to be learned." |
Kindle edition
L A Taylor
Bedbugs: (Can You See Them?) (Ages 15+) "In 1977, an alien spaceship crashed down to earth, landing deep within the soil in a small County called ‘Lemonsville’. During the night people were slaughtered, but the next day the killers disappeared. In 2020, the area where the spaceship landed was leveled and new houses were built over it. "Then, in 2050, a small earthquake shook Lemonsville. This was the opening needed for the new creatures of the night to attack the living. Deep, deep down beneath the ground, the alien queen had given birth to a new killer. The earth tremor had produced an escape route for her new babies to hunt for food. Human food... "Now a young boy has been brutally slaughtered by someone -- or something? His parents are accused of his murder. There are no clues to convince the police otherwise, and the parents aren’t talking. They are too shocked to say anything. "Daniel Boone, the local police chief, must find a way to solve the mystery of why the poor boy was torn apart in his bed, and why people have gone missing from their homes. As the days unfold and the nightmare continues, it takes Daniel back in time to what happened in 1977. He remembers a conversation he had with his Grandfather of a murder spree that happened in Lemonsville, one night in the summer of 1977. His Grandfather was eight years old back then. Now Daniel is fighting against time to work out the link between the murders back then to the murders of now. "Will Lemonsville suffer more heartache or will Dan and his officers succeed in their attempts at putting a stop to the misery of this town?? As each hour ticks by, more victims are falling prey to something. Will Daniel work out the link and save the people of Lemonsville, or will he too fall down and be destroyed by the things that want to take over the WORLD..." Rated PG-13 by the author, Lee Taylor. The description of the first murder is pretty gross to this Mom, but I'm not a fan of grisly horror movies either. I wouldn't recommend this fast-moving science-fiction horror story to younger teens, but older teens will read it with the lights on and love every minute. (RDJ) |
Dom Testa
The Galahad series - The Comet's Curse, The Web of Titan, The Cassini Code, The Dark Zone, Cosmic Storm, and The Galahad Legacy (Grades 6+ / Ages 12+) Originally self-published by the author, this wildly popular teen/young adult science fiction series is being republished by Tor Books. With a multi-racial, multi-cultural cast of characters, the surviving scientists race to send 251 teens into space before they get too old. An epidemic virus is killing everyone over the age of 18 and these teens are humanity's only hope. The story of their journey is amazing, sad, funny and gripping. From the author's website,www.domtesta.com: "This is an award-winning book series about 251 extraordinary teenagers who must leave home in order to save the human race. They have only themselves to rely on -- no parents, no adults, no help of any kind." The Comet's Curse From Library Mix: "...super competent teenagers who are chosen to save humankind from extinction by voyaging into outer space when Earth becomes tainted with a deathly virus. As the young crew of spaceship Galahad departs Earth, they leave their families behind forever. While this is deeply sad if one takes time to ponder it, the characters in Comet’s Curse are far too busy doing their jobs and solving a dangerous mystery to let grief overwhelm them." Click here to read the rest of educator Alicia Rudnicki's review of The Comet's Curse. The Web of Titan From Library Mix: "Triana and crew have been in space for less than a year and are still adjusting to the loss of their families and recovering from a near collision with tragedy... As it zooms toward deep space in Web of Titan, the crew is worried about its mysterious, upcoming assignment to retrieve a 'transport pod' orbiting Saturn’s largest moon, Titan... Puzzlement becomes fear when a bizarre illness and other unusual occurrences begin to cripple Galahad." Please click here to read Alicia Rudnicki's full review of The Web of Titan. The Cassini Code "The teenage crew of Galahad has survived their first encounter with an alien race. Though shaken by the power of The Cassini, Triana and her Council are determined to continue their mission. But some of the crew don’t agree. Led by the charismatic Merit Simms, a small group of crew members begins lobbying for a return to Earth—just as the ship enters the Kuiper Belt, the deadly minefield of asteroids that surrounds the solar system. As Galahad dodges a storm of asteroids, Triana finds herself dealing with an increasingly hostile crew. Even some members of the Council are beginning to listen to Merit’s arguments. Can Triana find a way to prevent a mutiny aboard Galahad, and lead her crew to safety?" The Dark Zone "With the help of the mysterious alien force known as the Cassini, the teenage crew of Galahad has managed to navigate safely through the minefield of the Kuiper Belt. But just as they exit the Belt, they are confronted by their next challenge: a group of incredibly fast and maneuverable organisms waiting in their path—like vultures. With no way of knowing if the organisms are friends or foes, Triana and her Council decide to push forward, setting into motion a chain of events that will lead to the opening of a wormhole (a shortcut across space and time), and the first death aboard Galahad…." Cosmic Storm "Just a year into their mission, the crew of Galahad has endured a sabotage attempt, alien encounters, and a dangerous passage through an asteroid belt. Now, as unpredictable waves of radiation threaten the very survival of the ship, Council leader Triana has disappeared. Not knowing if she is alive or dead, the crew must hold an election to replace her. Council member Gap seems the most likely candidate—until an old flame shocks him by adding her name to the ballot. Does she want what’s best for the ship? Or are her motivations more personal? Facing threats both internal and external, Galahad and its crew must confront…a cosmic storm." The Galahad Legacy "The electrifying conclusion to the epic young adult science fiction series that began with The Comet’s Curse. Council leader Triana Martell has returned from her journey through the mysterious wormhole, but she isn’t alone. She is accompanied by the ambassador of an alien race—the Dollovit. While the Council and crew of Galahad struggle to come to terms with the existence of the Dollovit, the ship begins to flounder. The radiation shields threaten to fail, damaged by the appearance of multiple wormholes. The Dollovit have a proposal for the crew: an offer of assistance that could be their only hope for survival. But their offer comes with an astronomical price. Beset with doubts and surrounded by danger, can Triana and her crew find a way to reach their destination—a new home for the human race?" |
Toi Thomas
Legend of the Boy, In the Window, and Other Short Stories (Ages 13+) "It’s all about the boy… The boy who must destroy the world so he can save humanity. The boy who sweeps the girl off her feet. The boy who brings two lovers together. The boy who grows into a bad man and changes a woman’s life. The boy who won’t let death stop him from getting what he wants. Everything spanning from science fiction, paranormal, romance, and psychological thriller is here within the pages of this book. Which of these boys will capture your sense of wonder, rage, romance, or perhaps even fear? You decide. 'This is not a book for small children.'* Parents, intense battle scenes may not be suitable for younger readers. |
Emma Trevayne
Coda (Grades 8-12 / Ages 14-18+) "Ever since he was a young boy, music has coursed through the veins of eighteen-year-old Anthem—the Corp has certainly seen to that. By encoding music with addictive and mind-altering elements, the Corp holds control over all citizens, particularly conduits like Anthem, whose life energy feeds the main power in the Grid. "Anthem finds hope and comfort in the twin siblings he cares for, even as he watches the life drain slowly and painfully from his father. Escape is found in his underground rock band, where music sounds free, clear, and unencoded deep in an abandoned basement. But when a band member dies suspiciously from a tracking overdose, Anthem knows that his time has suddenly become limited. Revolution all but sings in the air, and Anthem cannot help but answer the call with the chords of choice and free will. But will the girl he loves help or hinder him? "Emma Trevayne's dystopian debut novel is a little punk, a little rock, and plenty page-turning." Parents, please note that there are somewhat mature themes of drugs, music as a drug, sensual but not explicit sex and bisexuality/homosexuality. This novel may not be suitable for younger teens. Note: There is a French translation on Kindle. Please click on the linkt: Coda T01 Chorus (Grades 8-12 / Ages 14-18+) "The dream is all white from a memory that is too real, and its melody has continued to haunt Alpha, even though she has moved as far away from temptation as possible. Eight years after she was exposed to her first and only addictive musical track from the Corp, Alpha has established a new life with a band of her own in a city that has given her the space she was seeking, Los Angeles. "However, it only takes one urgent call to bring Alpha back home to Anthem, the older brother who raised her as well as a revolution, and Omega, her twin brother whose contrasting personality makes her feel whole. As Alpha spends more time in the Web, she notices that the number of people who look sickly and addicted seems to be rising. With Anthem's health declining, Alpha and her friends will have to dig deeper into the mainframe than ever before in order to find the root of the Corp's re-emergence. "Emma Trevayne’s sequel to Coda concludes the series with a crescendo of unexpected twists, hard-earned triumphs, and agonizing decisions—all coming together as a symphony of pure emotion." |
Greg van Eekhout
Kid vs. Squid (Grades 4+ / Ages 10+) "Thatcher Hill is bored stiff of his summer job dusting the fake mermaids and shrunken heads at his uncle's seaside Museum of Curiosities. But when a mysterious girl steals an artifact from the museum, Thatcher's summer becomes an adventure that takes him from the top of the ferris wheel to the depths of the sea. Following the thief, he learns that she is a princess of the lost Atlantis. Her people have been cursed by an evil witch to drift at sea all winter and wash up on shore each summer to an even more terrible fate — working the midway games and food stands on the boardwalk. Can Thatcher help save them before he, too, succumbs to the witch's curse? "With sharp, witty writing that reads like a middle-grade Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Greg van Eekhout's first book for young readers is a wild ride packed with as many laughs as it has thrills." ---------- The Boy at the End of the World (Grades 4+ / Ages 10+) "In a future world, Fisher is the last boy on earth. But evidence suggests there may be a far-away survival bunk with other humans. In order to get there, he'll need to rely on a ragtag team he assembles, including a robot, a mammoth, and a prairie dog with basic English skills. Readers will be riveted as this unlikely team races toward survival." ---------- Norse Code (Ages 18+) "Is this Ragnarok, or just California? "The NorseCODE genome project was designed to identify descendants of Odin. What it found was Kathy Castillo, a murdered MBA student brought back from the dead to serve as a valkyrie in the Norse god’s army. Given a sword and a new name, Mist’s job is to recruit soldiers for the war between the gods at the end of the world—and to kill those who refuse to fight. "But as the twilight of the gods descends, Mist makes other plans. "Journeying across a chaotic American landscape already degenerating into violence and madness, Mist hopes to find her way to Helheim, the land of the dead, to rescue her murdered sister from death’s clutches. To do so, she’ll need the help of Hermod, a Norse god bumming around Los Angeles with troubles of his own. Together they find themselves drafted into a higher cause, trying to do what fate long ago deemed could not be done: save the world of man. For even if myths aren’t made to be broken, it can’t hurt to go down fighting…can it?" This book is von Eekhout's first foray into adult fiction. It is intended for mature teens, young adults and adults. |
Daniel H. Wilson
Robopocalypse "In this terrifying tale of humanity’s desperate stand against a robot uprising, Daniel H. Wilson has written the most entertaining sci-fi thriller in years. "Not far into our future, the dazzling technology that runs our world turns against us. Controlled by a childlike—yet massively powerful—artificial intelligence known as Archos, the global network of machines on which our world has grown dependent suddenly becomes an implacable, deadly foe. At Zero Hour—the moment the robots attack—the human race is almost annihilated, but as its scattered remnants regroup, humanity for the first time unites in a determined effort to fight back. This is the oral history of that conflict, told by an international cast of survivors who experienced this long and bloody confrontation with the machines. Brilliantly conceived and amazingly detailed, Robopocalypse is an action-packed epic with chilling implications about the real technology that surrounds us." A computer intelligence takes over robots in order to destroy the human race. The story incorporates multiple characters, including a Japanese technician in love with his female robot. After the automated world is turned against humanity, a group from the Osage Nation lead the fight against the sentient A.I. Archos R-14. Dr. Daniel H. Wilson is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation. He grew up in Tulsa, OK, and currently lives in Portland, OR. He earned his Masters degrees in Machine Learning and Robotics and a PhD in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. ---------- Robogenesis "It’s been three years since the global uprising of the world's robots, three long years in which ordinary people waged a guerilla war that saved humankind from the brink of annihilation. But a horrific new enemy has emerged, and the resistance is called to fight once again. And in a world where humanity and technology are pushed to the breaking point, their one hope may reside with their former enemy—Archos R-14." |
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